2017 Clippings

Last updated 9 December 2017

16 January 2017 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 16 January 2017
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:           Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry, Marian Evans, Simon Stafford and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
                        Gerard Airey (Ariel Scouts) and Sue Amey (BCC).

Apologies:       Nicola Clarke (Quadron).

1       Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 21 November 2016:  After the following correction the minute was approved.  

Stump Display Board – BCC has the repair in his sights and will charge Robert Wilkinson.

2       Matters arising:  

Repairs to gate and interpretation board – these have been completed.

Central Area of the Park – plans were displayed at the “Carols in the Park” event on 17th December 2016.  The following comments were received:

·         “The plans look good; it would be great to have more paved area in the middle so you can walk through easily and wildflower meadows / bee-friendly plants.”
·         “I think the plans look lovely, the centre will look great although for the future it would be nice to have a foot path at the very bottom of the park so runners can jog a whole perimeter of the park.”
·         “Great idea – will give a focus to that area of the park.”

Another respondent said “Excellent”, and suggested that the Westhill Trust be approached for assistance with funding.  This lead to the suggestions that the CEO (not the local manager) of the major local stores be approached for sponsorship and finance; as perhaps could the major landscaping companies for support in kind (materials) if not direct finance. 

Bug Life – Meadow to encourage pollinators

Nick Packham has still to propose dates for a workshop in March / April to explain the project and its benefits to FoSOP and other interested parties. 

Time of Committee Meetings – The Scout Hut will not be available for future Monday meetings at 6 pm because of bookings by other regular users.  GA to liaise with other users to see whether, with their cooperation, we might be able to meet from 5.00 – 6.30 pm instead. 

3       Undesirable activities in the Park

Travellers – preventative measures – update – SA explained that funding had been found   for a locked swing barrier augmented by adjacent trip rails and a bollard at the lodge, and for a trip rail adjacent to the Scout Hut.  The swing barrier will be white for visibility purposes.  Thanks were expressed for this provision.

Animal carcases and animal body parts found in the Park – Reports of the discovery of animal carcases and body parts in the Park have been posted on Facebook. It is unclear whether such dismembering is occurring by natural predation (e.g. fox activity) or some other dubious means.  If dog carcases are found they should be reported to BCC Waste Management Department; other items should be reported to the Animal Welfare authorities.  Anyone making these discoveries should, where possible, take photographic evidence and submit it and other details of the location, etc. to the Police or to FoSOP.  

4       Council consultation on cost savings.

BCC have announced a round of budget cuts which will see a 20% reduction in funding of the Parks Department.  In order to accommodate this, the City’s Ranger hubs will be reduced from 6 to 2 (these at Sutton Park in the north, and the Lickey Hills in the south), with the loss of 13 posts.  The remaining rangers will be involved primarily with land management and health and safety issues, and will have less time to spend on events, activities (e.g. guided walks), and volunteer support.  Park keepers will be removed from all parks.  Grass mowing will be curtailed by 20% with areas likely to be turned over to various scrub management regimes.

The foreseeable major impacts on Selly Oak Park – will be the loss of the park-keeper; the accumulation of litter and debris, overgrowth and damage to the meadow area recently planted, and a general downward slide in the appearance and ambience of the Park.

In discussing the litter issue it was suggested that FoSOP may be able to organise litter picking parties, and for these to be held during the time (10.30 am – noon) on the 3rd Saturday in every month during the summer (say from May), coinciding with Cllr McCarthy’s clinics at the Scout Hut, with sessions being followed by coffee or a picnic.  Lapal Canal Trust members might also be encouraged to join these activities and give attention specifically to the canal section.

The council has initiated a consultation, and members were encouraged to find their way through its “treacle” (it is not user-friendly!) to the relevant sections and respond.  The Chairman shared his response with the group:

“I disagree with the 20% cut in the parks budget. Public parks and other open spaces are a relative cheap way to encourage physical activity across the entire age range. Many parks have children’s play areas (to keep children active) and adult outdoor gyms to encourage activity in the adult and older adult populations. They offer spaces for fitness training (e.g. Park Run, walking groups, tai chi). They also provide free recreation spaces, meeting spaces and spaces for community events. Reductions in the parks budget will result in parks returning to the no-go areas they were in the 1980's and all of the above benefits will be lost.” 

5       Carols in the Park

This event, on 17th December, had been well received and declared a success, even though there was a smaller attendance than in previous years.  Thanks were expressed to those leading the service, and to the musicians. 

In discussion it was suggested that the Carols (and the Festival) event needed to be re-energised.  More people are needed at all these events; and it was thought that local church leaders might encourage more involvement by their congregations.

It was suggested that the next Carols event might be held nearer the Scout Hut, say on or near the inspection chamber for the aquaduct.

6       Festival 2017

Still waiting for Robert Wilkinson to publish his 2017 schedule of park visits – but anticipate the date being either the 16th or 23rd June.  Entertainments discussed, including the suggestion of an “open mic” music session.

7       Sainsburys / Lapal Canal – no new news.

8       AOB

Birmingham Heritage Forum Subscription – agreed to pay.  Our details are included in 160,000 leaflets printed and distributed to the hotels, heritage sites, etc.

A request to host some volunteering in connection with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme – we have neither the resources nor authority to sign off any volunteering for any scheme; and therefore the request should be referred to the Woodgate Valley Country Park, the Clent Hills (National Trust), or the Lickey Hills Country Park.

9       Date of Next Meeting: 

       Monday, 20th March 2017, at a time and place to be announced (see item 2 above).

20th March 2017 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

                            Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 20 March 2017
                                           At 78 Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:           Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Bob Curry, Marian Evans, Simon Stafford and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
                        Sue Amey (BCC). Nicola Clarke (Idverde).

Apologies:       Dave Barker (Treasurer),

1       Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 17 January 2017:  Approved.  

2       Matters arising:
Bug Life – Meadow to encourage pollinators
Nick Packham has still to propose dates for a workshop in March / April to explain the project and its benefits to FoSOP and other interested parties.  KP to prompt via Facebook.
Time of Committe Meetings – Gerard Airey had liaised with other Monday evening users of the Scout Hut; with their cooperation, we can meet from 5.00 – 6.30 pm instead of our usual 6-8 pm.  Agreed the new meeting time.
Cuts in Council spending on Parks – SA explained that an across-the-board core service provision will be applied to the City Parks, though Green Flag sites will be less impacted.  In Selly Oak Park shrubbery areas are coming off routine maintenance, and some grass areas near the canal / new pollinator meadow will be selectively mown.  Seasonal bedding will not be affected.  FoSOP could adopt a bed – but realistically more local support for FoSOP (i.e. more members) would be needed before that can happen.

3       Park Security
·         Trip rails have been installed along the Gibbins Rd frontage near the Scout Hut – a short section still to be installed.
·         The timber used as a barrier in this area will be lifted once the ground has dried and will support lifting equipment – the timber will be taken off site if needed elsewhere, or moved within the park to make an adventure feature near the playground.
·         Trip rails and a swing barrier have been installed to protect the entrance at the lodge, Gibbins Road.  On the basis of experience gained some adaptive work is required – this to be done with some urgency.  A barrier walk-around will need to be created so that cyclists, pedestrians, etc can access the Park.  A nearby tree may need to be removed; but in the short term its crown will be lifted to allow access.
·         Until the walk around is completed a temporary notice will be displayed on the swing barrier, and a notice also posted on FB group page and website.
·         If the nearby tree has to be removed then there will be an effort to replace it – either as a FoSOP project, or with support from BTFL, or via NC.  

4       Litter Picking
Given the cuts in Council spending it is likely that litter will accumulate in the Park.  Subject to confirmation the first session of FoSOP-lead litter picking will take place between 10 am and noon on Saturday, 22nd April when the Lapal Canal Trust will be litter picking in the canal corridor adjacent to the Park.  A risk assessment will need to be prepared, especially for picking up needles and glass.  SA and NC each to send AS examples of risk assessments used elsewhere.  NC offered to provide sharps boxes.  NC agreed to explore with MacDonalds the possibility of corporate volunteers.  Proposed to organise litter picking on a monthly basis during the summer.

5       Central Area of the Park
Funding application to be submitted.  Landscape Group to be asked to re-evaluate the cost to ensure it is within the £10,000 originally proposed. The CEO (not the local manager) of the major local stores to be approached for sponsorship and finance; as perhaps could the major landscaping companies for support in kind (materials) if not direct finance.  BTFL may be able to help with more trees. 

6       Festival 2017
Robert Wilkinson will not be bringing the fair to the Park in 2017, but will provide the stage and a couple of kids’ rides for the Festival.  Given other local activities in June, decided to hold the Festival on Saturday, 10th June between 11 am and 3 pm.
Donkeys booked – agreed individual rides were more appropriate than carriage rides.
An appeal for stall holders and entertainers to be posted on FB and website.
AS suggested holding the Festival in an area near to the Scout Hut.  Proposal discussed; and to be developed in the light of the size of the event.
More involvement in the Festival by the local community and groups to be promoted.

7       AOB - None

8       Date of Next Meeting: 
Monday, 15th May 2017, at 5.00 – 6.30 pm in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.
There will be a Festival planning meeting on Monday, 24th April (not 17th since that is Easter Monday) at the same time (5.00 - 6.30 pm).

15th May 2017 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 15 May 2017
at 78 Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:           Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry, Marian Evans, Simon Stafford and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
       Sue Amey (BCC), Louise Francis Taylor.

Apologies:       Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice Chairman), Nicola Clarke (Idverde).

1       Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 20 March 2017:  Approved.  

2       Matters arising:
SA reported the following:
·         For safety reasons, the tree adjacent to the new barrier needs pruning to make a usable pathway/walk-around with a new bollard.  Work in hand.
·         Litter picking undertaken by the maintenance contractor is to be increased to 2 times per week.  Friends will monitor the outcome / effectiveness before organising any further informal litter picks.
·         Central area of the Park – no progress.
·         Tree stumps near Scout Hut – not required elsewhere – so decided to leave them in situ as an additional deterrent to traveller intrusion.
·         Keys for the gates / barrier to be made available to AS.
·         The provision of car park signs (requested by LT) is in hand.
·         There has been a petition from a dog walker using the Park that the Ranger Service be retained (service was to be reduced to 2-3 hubs, but is now likely to be 4-5 hubs).  The Friends are encouraged to make use of the Ranger Service.
·         Selly Oak Park and Hazelwell Rec are being used in a test case bringing an injunction against the travellers.


The remainder of the meeting was given over to 

3       Festival 2017

Reviewed and fine-tuned the arrangements using the note of the planning meeting of 24th April 2017 as an aide memoire/to-do list.
About 30 pitches have been booked – and other possible stall holders were identified, to be approached – LT very active with this.
All arrangements in hand.
Finance – gratefully acknowledged an offer of a substantial anonymous donation to ensure the continuance of the Festival.

4       AOB - None

5       Date of Next Meeting: 

Festival Pre-flight meeting – 5.30 pm, Monday 5 June 2017, in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.
Committee meeting – 2 pm, Sunday, 17 September 2017 in the Scout Hut; followed at 3 pm by the AGM.

17 September 2017 - The Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minutes of the Committee Meeting Prior to AGM
held at 2.00pm Sunday 17th September 2017 in the Scout Hall Gibbins Road.

Present Committee Members:
 Andrew Schofield (Chair)
Ann-Marie McCarthy(Vice Chair)
Dave Barker(Treasurer)
Bob Curry
Simon Stafford
Marian Evans

Also attending:
Gerard Airey (Ariel Scouts)
Chris Wallace(Ariel Scouts).
Nicola Clarke (Idverde)
Sue Amey (BCC, Area Parks Manager)

Apologies: Ken Pugh

1.            Minutes of previous Committee Meeting (date)agreed.

2.             Matters Arising:

                     Park Site Security. Work has been completed and appears successful including bollards.

High Court injunction in place in Selly Oak Park to prohibit illegal camping. Under terms of high court injunction Scouts are allowed to Camp on Selly Oak Park. There are signs up in Selly Oak Park re:High Court Injunction and the Public are recommended to phone the Police on 101 if they see people illegally camping on Selly Oak park. The High Court Injunction can last up to 2 years.High court Injunction against illegal camping also in operation in Selly Park Recreation ground and this injunction has been successfully used for illegal camping in Selly Park Recreation Ground.

                     Central Park Feature: Suggestion for New Nursing Home Builders, who may be able to provide materials, more cost efficiently and could do plant and quantity work.(Simon Stafford) As this is BCC land approved BCC contractors have to be used. However outside contractors would be allowed to donate materials.(Sue Amey)

                      Outside contractors would need publicity for their generosity(Simon Stafford) To check this could be allowed by BCC(Action Sue Amey )

3. Festival 2018
Date of Selly Oak Park Festival as agreed by Committee Members, Saturday 16th June.
Further plans for Selly Oak Park Festival will be discussed at the next meeting.
4.  Carols in the Park
Date as agreed by Committee Members for Carols in the Park Saturday 9th December
5. Hoping to get additional Committer Members from those attending today's  AGM.

6. Litter Picking
Appeared to be quite a lot of litter, especially bottles during summer.(Andrew Schofield)
No complaints received to BCC re:litter. The public could complain via BCC Call centre                               
and on-line(Sue Amey.) Nicola Clarke to find out dates of BCC/Idverde litter picks.
FOSOP may have to supplement BCC/Idverde litter picks e.g. FOSOP litter pick previous Saturday. Other Parks have increased bin emptying(Sue Amey.) Scouts could support litter picking in Summer as part of Community impact badge for age 10 to 14 year olds on a Wednesday evening (Gerard Airey and Chris Wallace.) Idverde/BCC would support the Scouts efforts by providing bags and additional pick ups for these additional bags following litter picks by Scouts.(Nicola Clarke)

7. Any other business
Incident reported aggressive dog. Louise Francis-Taylor may have more details about this as there was an offer by Louise to work with this dog and
Andrew was unsure whether this offer was taken up by the lady who owned the dog.

Committee Meeting Dates:
Tue 24th October 6:15 pm; Scout hut
Wed 3rd January 6pm -  Scout Hut
Wed 21st February 6pm – Scout Hut
Mon 16th April 6pm (Festival planning) – Venue TBC
Wed 30th May 6pm – Scout Hut – TBC
Mon 11th June 6pm (Festival pre-flight meeting) – Venue TBC.
Sunday 16th Sept 2pm (committee) 3pm (AGM/Public meeting).

17 September 2017 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minutes of  Annual General Meeting held at 3.00pm Sunday 17th September 2017
Scout Hall Gibbons Road.

Present Committee Members:
  • Andrew Schofield (Chairman)
  • Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice Chairperson)
  • Dave Barker (Treasurer)
  • Bob Curry
  • Simon Stafford
  • Marian Evans
  • Gerard Airey (Ariel Scouts)
  • Chris Wallace (Ariel Scouts).

Also attending: Sue Amey (Area Park manager.) Des Flood (Birmingham City Councillor), Andrew Hardie (Birmingham City Councillor),Catherine Smith, Margaret Meredeth, Gill Malone, Katie Williams, Hugh Humphries (Lapal Canal Trust), Pat Hetherington, Helen Murie.

Apologies: Nicola Clarke, Ken Pugh.

Andrew Schofield welcomed all in attendance to the 2017 Friends of Selly Oak Park (FoSoP) AGM
Andrew introduced all Committee members, but making special mention of Ken Pugh who has served as Secretary for FoSoP Committee for a number of years, serving as a Park Historian and active member of the group. Andrew proposed a vote of thanks for Ken’s contribution to the committee in terms of his hard work and dedication. This motion was agreed by all who serve on the committee, we thank Ken and wish him all the best in the future. Ken will be missed on the committee but we hope to see him during events held in Selly Oak Park.

The Minutes of the AGM held on 18th September 2016 were accepted.

No matters arising

1. Chairman's Report

      The Friends of Selly Oak Park year for 2016/17 got off to a rather bad start with a further invasion of travellers in October 2016. This coincided with Halloween and Nov 5th and the traveller celebrations of these events caused a great deal of concern among local residents. There we a number of fires in the park at this time.

      Nonetheless the park was cleared in time for BugsLife to sow seeds for our new wild flower meadow on the lower field. The flowers made good progress in establishing themselves in the spring and summer of 2017. That area of the park will now be mowed at most once per year producing a grass and flower meadow to support great biodiversity in the Park and surrounding areas. Further nature conservation work took place in February 2017 when we gave the willow sculpture its annual haircut.

      Following the traveller’s departure we concentrated on park security with new trip level fences and bollards going in near the scout hut and in front of the lodge and a new barrier on the main path. These measures allow the park to remain secure even if the wooden gate is left open while service staff or the lodge residents come and go. The Friends group now have a key to the gate, barrier and service compound. We are grateful to Birmingham City Council for providing these security measures. The park is now also the subject of a High Court Injunction that prevents encampments within its borders – this does not inhibit our annual festival and camping, for example by the scouts, can still be allowed if authorised in advance. Anyone seeing traveller’s in the park should call 101 and note to police that the park is subject of the injunction. We are grateful to councillor Karen McCarthy and Mark Croxford for their support with this injunction.

      We organised 2 events during the year. Our 5th Carols in the park in December 2016 was another success and we were able to run it outside again this year with the help of the pastor from the Christian Life Centre and musicians from St John’s Church Harborne.

       Our main event was once again the Selly Oak Festival in June. This year’s event was sponsored by the University of Birmingham (£1000) who had 3 stalls and Robert Wilkinsons Fun Fair (£300) who also provided 3 children’s rides, the stage and electrical power. We had more stalls than ever this year which prompted a new site layout with a cluster of stalls located inside the festival circle. This actually improved the flow of visitors around the stalls and added a sense of life to the lower flank of stalls that has been missing in previous years. The Junior Football and Dog Show (now a regular feature) were both great successes and we would like to thank Marleen from Northfield Little League, Dave Robinson and the University of Birmingham for their support for the football.

      We organised two litter picks this year to supplement the regular picks by the park management company. We were however somewhat dismayed when the permanent park keeper was withdrawn from the park. While we understand the financial pressures that led to this it is still disappointing. The main litter pick schedule remains unchanged but what is missing is the daily clean up that made the park such a tidy place. Looking ahead we still need to carry out repairs to the Nature Trail and will need to consider more frequent litter picks – perhaps reaching the parts of the park that are harder to access.

       We would like to thank Ariel Scouts for the use of their hut for meetings and the festival and Carols. We also thank Sue Amy (BCC Area Parks Manager) and Nicola Clarke (Idverde) for all their help during the year.

       Andrew Schofield

2. Finance Report:
      Treasurer Dave Barker went through the years financial Report. The finance statement showed that the group had a positive balance of £3,679.64. The question was asked whether the remaining balance could be used to purchase anything for the park.               

3. Illegal Camping has not been an issue on Selly Oak Park for a number of months - this is
as a result of the high court injunction which can be used to prohibit illegal camping on the park. Councillors Flood and Hardie have written to the Police Superintendent to make them aware of the High Court Injunction for Selly Oak Park. The increased measures including bollards and low level fencing have also increased the security of Selly Oak Park against illegal camping,  

Brief discussion about a number of caravans that seemed to be camped illegally near the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The Council are aware and there was speculation that the people in the Caravans had a family member who was a patient within the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the caravans have been tolerated on the strip of land close by Hospital for this reason.

4. Park upkeep.
The Park could be divided into three different areas as regards litter picking
a) the park itself which receives twice weekly BCC litter picks
b) the car park located by the Scout Hall. Sue Amey to check if this is under contract   
with BCC for litter picks as car park appears to be a hot spot for litter.

Committee member Bob Curry suggested this would be a good location for a new bin and perhaps the FoSoP group may consider using additional funds to pay for this. Bob noted that bin on roadside near carpark is often full.

c) The canal area does not seem to have any litter picking provided. The Lapal Canal
group have supplemented litter picking and have had a recent litter pick.

5. The new wild flower meadow is a more interesting part of the park.
It contributes to bee and wildlife preservation. There have been contrasting views on face book.
Comment from meeting that the millennium wood is a successful part of the park. It occasionally needs thinning out.

Andrew asked for volunteers to help with litter picking, wild life conservation and help with the willow sculpture maintenance. Sign-up sheets were available during and after meeting for these activities.

Dates for forthcoming events in Selly Oak Park:
  • Carols in the Park -Saturday 9th December 2017 Meet by Park Lodge at (5pm)
  • Selly Oak Park Festival Saturday 16th June

All committee members were re-elected to current positions. A request was made for new members to the committee and a request for someone to fill the position of FoSoP secretary. While there were no volunteers for the secretary position, an additional member Helen Murie has joined the committee.

5. Items from the floor.
Public Space Protection Orders help to regulate number of dogs being walked
(if a dog walker has more than 4 dogs need a business licence),Dogs need to     
be kept on leads and dog owners need to clean up after their dogs. Who enforces public space protection orders used to be Park Keepers?

Committee member Marian wondered if the animal welfare Team could do
spot checks in Selly Oak Park.  

Lapal Canal Trust have organised a number of recent and forthcoming litter picks along the canal within the park.

The Lapal Canal Trust group also organised over the summer a group of 14 young volunteers who helped with the rebuilding of a wall along the canal and other maintenance work. The group also hopes that similar maintenance work can be continued in Summer 2018.

9th December 2017 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

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