Ongoing research; last updated 28 January 2012
Minute of the Executive Committee Meeting
17th January 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Executive Committee Meeting
6pm, Mon 17th January 2011
Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker, Bob Curry, Ken Pugh (Secretary), Malcolm Smith.
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Tracey Hewitt (Neighbourhood Officer, BCC), Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scout Group).
Apologies: Michael Chu, Ann-Marie McCarthy, Simon Cooper (Parks Manager, BCC), Bridget Ferris, Cllr. Robert Wright.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and then paid tribute to the late Geoff Bartlett. Geoff was one of the original committee members for the Friends of Selly Oak Park and was a past treasurer. He was tremendously supportive of both the Park and the Friends group, contributing greatly to all its events, and we are very grateful for his energy and effort. Geoff had been ill for some time but continued as an active committee member until October 2010. We extend our sympathy to his family.
The Friends group wish to mark Geoff’s contribution. He was a great advocate of seating for the Park, and a respected ally of its dog-walking users. It was suggested that this user group might be consulted to ascertain views as to which might be preferred as a tribute in Geoff’s honour, the dedication of a Park bench or a tree; also that enquiries be made through SC about the City’s current stance on memorial seats in public places. (Action: AS)
1. The Minute of the committee meeting on 15th November 2010
With one amendment (Item 4, re the Exercise Trail, where Shenleys should read Senneleys), the minute was approved.
2. Matters Arising
Item 2 - The “Heydays” books had been sent to the local schools. There had been very positive responses from those visited personally, and appreciative letters had been received from Cherry Oak School and Dame Elizabeth Cadbury College, the latter particularly expressing the desire to work with the Friends group.
Item 4 – the proposals under the PlayBuilder Scheme had been approved and the equipment would be in place by the end of March. It had been indicated that there may be a small residual of money in the project. Suggestions for its use included - i) a finger post; ii) a random basket ball hoop; iii) a dog waste bin to serve the open area near the aerial run-way; iv) any final contingencies.
Item 4 – the provision of a sheltered seating area remains under consideration. A condition imposed by the potential source of funding required anyone putting up a structure to own the land on which it was erected. It was not clear how the Friends might proceed on that basis. In the meantime it was suggested that funding might be sought for the “Midnight Bus” (see below).
Item 4 – a stage 1 grant proposal for an Exercise trail has been submitted to the Community Spaces programme (part of the Big Lottery Fund).
Item 5 – it was confirmed that five benches had been ordered.
3. Chairman’s Items
Attention was drawn to the website / blog. News items and minutes are now lodged there. There has been a trickle of hits. Members were urged to promote the site and encourage others to visit it. TH agreed to include the details in her next newsletter. It was suggested emails sent from the Friends might include the site details / link. (Action: TH, All)
4. The Youth Bus
Based on information kindly supplied by Dillon Hamilton, and investigated further by AS, it may be appropriate to use the “Midnight Bus” in the Park and / or in the neighbourhood. This single deck bus has been adapted (with seating, music, studio, etc.) for use by a team of qualified workers in any area where Youth issues need to be addressed, e.g. where young people need to be taught how to interact with Authority, to understand that Authority can be made to work for their benefit, and that “authority” is not an enemy. Recently there have been sporadic episodes of youthful vandalism and intimidation in and around the Park which have given rise to concern. This is just one issue that could be investigated by the “Midnight Bus” team in a tailored pilot / scoping study to determine the extent of the problem (and identify any others), and if necessary to determine a management strategy.
The all-inclusive cost of the Bus for use during an evening session is £465.
TH volunteered to fund 3 (spaced) sessions from the Neighbourhood Funds at her disposal – one in the current financial year and two in the financial year beginning April 2011. AS reported that RW had indicated that Community Chest funds may be available for a further session.
After discussion it was concluded that, if available, the Bus should be used (in places and in a manner guided by the team workers) on four occasions at approx 6 week intervals – say, i) late March. ii) mid May, iii) mid / late June (in the Park at the Festival), and iv) mid August. It was noted that the Park entrance may be a good location for the Bus; and TH agreed to check with SC whether a formal Park-use booking would be necessary for that use.
5 Selly Oak Festival 2011
18th June has been provisionally booked with Robert Wilkinson’s Fun Fair for the 2011 Festival.
Arising from an energetic discussion the following actions were agreed:
· The football tournament would be held again – DB to coordinate;
· Stall spaces would be available and as many takers encouraged as possible – AS to promote and ensure that participants understood that, where appropriate, any profits remained at the disposal of the stallholder;
· Organisations would be charged a small fee for their stall place - £5 for non-profit making groups, and £20 for commercial groups;
· The issue of food and ice cream provision and sales needed resolution between the Friends and the Fun Fair – Action AS;
· A dog show – possibility to be investigated by BC;
· Police Band / Brass Band / Pipe Band / Birmingham Drums – possibility to be investigated by KP;
· Punch & Judy – possibility to be investigated by KP;
· Falconry display – possibility to be investigated by MS;
· Plant stall – NC;
· FOSOP display – NC;
· Schools – AS to approach and indicate the type of activities they could provide (eg face-painting)
· Scouts – tea and cake provision – AL.
· It was noted that the Friends own two gazebos and that the Constituency office have a large supply of same which can be borrowed. We will also rent the large mess tent and tables from the Scouts.
6 Nature Trail
TH outlined progress with the development of the Nature / History Trail. All the history plaques were to hand and shown. Five interpretation boards have been prepared – i) bats, ii) oak tree, iii) woodpecker, iv) Millennium Wood, v) Lapal Canal – one of these very attractive interpretation boards was exhibited. Arrangements are well in hand for the Willow structure which St. Mary’s school have helped design; it should be ready early in February. A new Welcome sign has already been installed at the Park entrance near the Scout Hut (picture on website at A Finger Post is being prepared as part of the Play Builder Scheme (in hand). St. Mary’s School have also been designing sculpted seats, to be made from oak sleepers – it was agreed that the final design should be left to TH on the understanding that one element of the construction would need to be secured into the ground to make the unit immovable (the seat to be located on the new western boundary path, having a view of the University clock tower).
TH was thanked for careful attention to the arrangements.
11th March 2011 has been suggested as the provisional date for the opening of the Nature / History Trail and the planting of the nine standard trees (6 Hawthorns and 3 Oaks) donated by Birmingham Trees for Life. TH / AS to confirm and liaise with SC, Sue Griffith (BTFL) and the local schools.
7 Policy on Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Guided (with thanks) by the Friends of Cotteridge Park, AS had adapted policies to cover activities where members of FOSOP might be called upon to work with supervised or unsupervised children, young people and vulnerable adults in the Park. After discussion AS proposed, and KP seconded, that the policies as drafted and circulated before the meeting should be adopted by FOSOP. The meeting, being quorate, voted unanimously in favour of the proposal. The policies will be posted on the website (on the Minutes and Constitution page). (This issue had arisen through the need to submit copies of such policies when making some grant applications. It is also considered best practice for voluntary groups to have such policies in place.)
8 Any Other Business
· AS enquired of NC regarding seed for wild flower meadows; his enquiry following up appeals from the bee-keepers that more pollen producers be introduced into the Park. NC stated that seed cost approx £160 per kilo but explained that wild flower seed really needed quite poor, nutrient deficient conditions to establish well, and was of the opinion that existing sward would probably need to be stripped and replaced with poorer quality material to ensure success. Rather she suggested that consideration be given to planting other native flowers (e.g. foxgloves, bluebells, cowslips, primroses) in appropriate areas of the Park, e.g. the perimeter of the Millennium Wood. As another alternative she suggested adopting a shrub bed (in place of a rose bed) under the Birmingham Open Spaces scheme – some of the appropriately chosen shrubs could provide flowers for pollination and bee activity. Any number of groups could do this – there are several rose beds that will cease to be maintained in the Park and will likely revert to grass if nothing else is done - however, it was pointed out that any group adopting a shrub bed would also inherit the duty of on-going garden maintenance.
· AS drew attention to recent instances of irresponsible and unacceptable dog-fouling in the Park. He was grateful that, going beyond the call of duty, Derek Foley, the park-keeper had cleared up the mess, and appealed to the few careless dog walkers to adopt a more responsible attitude as thankfully most other dog-walkers did. He sought, and got, agreement that he should discuss with SC the provision of notices requesting responsible activity.
· DB reported on the Group’s finances indicating that there would be only a modest balance once the committed expenditures had been met.
9 Date and Place of Next Meeting
6pm, Monday 7th March 2011, Ariel Scouts Hut, Gibbins Road.
9th February 2011 - Quadron Environmental Services
Nicola Clarke reported on the birth of the "Cyril the Squirrel" willow sculpture as part of the Nature Trail in the Park:
22nd February 2011 - Quadron Environmental Services
Nicola Clarke reported on the installation of a bench as part of the preparation of the Nature Trail:
7th March 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Executive Committee Meeting
Mon 7th March 2011
Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary).
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Simon Cooper (Parks Manager, BCC), Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scout Group). Cllr. Robert Wright.
Apologies: Dave Barker, Bob Curry, Bridget Ferris, Tracey Hewitt (Neighbourhood Officer, BCC).
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked people for giving their time to the Friends group.
1. The Minute of the committee meeting on 17th January 2011
The minute was approved.
2. Matters Arising
Matters arising – Regarding a memorial for the late Geoff Bartlett, SC indicated that a traditional wooden park bench, with a plaque, as often used for memorials, would cost about £800. In his opinion, whilst there would be no barrier to placing a bench in the park, the better and more durable option would be the dedication of a tree in Geoff’s memory. (SC noted that, coincidentally(?), there had been an application for a seat in memory of a Geoff Bartlett at Cannon Hill Park.) (Action: AS continued)
– the zip slide and climbing frame, provided under the PlayBuilder Scheme, was under construction. SC agreed to urge the contractors to ensure that the finger post was in place for the opening of the Nature Trail on Friday, 11th March, and to ensure it was correctly orientated in line with instructions already provided by AS. (Action; SC)
- The application for funding for the equipment for an Exercise Trail had been declined. Further attempts to secure funding would be pursued. (Action: AS)
Item 4 – the use of the Youth Bus had been arranged; with the first visit planned for the end of March.
Item 6 – The Nature Trail was ready for launch on Friday, 11th March at 1.30 p.m. AS reported that there had been an overspend on budget of approx £100, mainly in leaflet production; but it was noted, with thanks, that it had been agreed that the deficit would be met equally by the Friends and the Neighbourhood Budget. AS tabled the Nature Trail Leaflets which he had designed; they were greatly appreciated. Birmingham Trees for Life will plant approx 10 trees on the launch day, along the Gibbins Road frontage. The Friends gratefully accepted a small number of small beech trees offered through NC by Quadron; it was decided to planted these on the western fringe of the Park and in the Millennium Wood, after consultation with SC as to precise location. (Action: NC & SC). Some concern was expressed about the apparent vulnerability of the small interpretation boards. Were they truly fit for purpose and vandal-proof, as advertised by the supplier? The general opinion was, No. It was thought that there were good grounds for complaint and claims for some redress or modification. There was no reflection on TH in this matter; she too had been concerned. It was understood that she had some contingency in hand, and SC agreed to discuss the issue with TH as soon as she returned from holiday, and before the launch of the Trail. (Action SC, TH) There was unanimous acclaim and thanks to all involved with the Nature Trail, and especially to Tracey Hewitt who had lead the project from its inception.
3. Chairman’s Items
AS notified his absence from the UK on business between 14th March and 26th April, though he anticipated being in email contact for much of that time.
Arrangements would need to be made for a signatory to replace Geoff Bartlett on the Bank Account. (Action AS)
There was discussion regarding the use of the Nature Trail leaflets. Clearly they would be used on the launch day. There were still outstanding matters concerning the butt of the Oak Tree (see below), and it was considered prudent to withhold a more general distribution of the leaflets for a few weeks until those had been resolved. Then the leaflets should be distributed to shops, schools, churches, hotels, etc – as widely as possible, by as many volunteers as possible (remembering that at the AGM some attendees offered to do such work on our behalf).
4. The Butt of the Old Selly Oak
The Butt of the Old Selly Oak has been one of the best kept secrets of the Park; so discreetly is it hidden that few could say where it is. However, arguably it is amongst the most notable historical features of the park and an obvious candidate for inclusion in the new Nature Trail. However, its publicity through the Nature Trail will immediately expose it to the risk of vandalism and, for the plaque particularly, theft. What should be done to preserve / conserve this feature in the light of its historical importance but impending exposure? There are two major aspects to consider; i) the plaque, ii) the stump (given that the latter is a natural object in a natural environment, and will, if it hasn’t already, rot with time). Earlier in the day, AS and KP had met with the Head Conservator from the City’s Museum to take advice. Imperative actions were suggested by the Conservator and subsequently agreed in committee – document the plaque in detail, with photographs, measurements and rubbings. (Action: KP) There should be an Investigation of the options for the manufacture of a replicate (plastic or steel?), to replace the original plaque which could be removed for safe keeping (e.g. for display in the local library). (Action: KP) Who has a right to remove the plaque for legitimate purposes? This question will need answering before any replacement action can be taken; SC to investigate. (Action: SC). Action regarding the plaque should be taken as soon as possible, and before any widespread distribution of literature drawing attention to the feature. An interim plastic cover may even be desirable.
There are a number of potential options regarding the stump, including combinations of the following – i) remove it wholesale, ii) freeze it (to kill wood eating “bugs”, etc), iii) replace it on a concrete plinth (to keep it dry from beneath), iv) place it under a covered and fenced pergola to protect it from the elements, v) re-site the whole preserved feature in a veranda attached to the Park Lodge, vi) take a transverse section of the stump, have the section polished, and use that to mount the original plaque in the chosen safe place, vi) remove the stump in its entirety, reconfigure the site and install an (oak mounted?) interpretation panel explaining the history of the removed feature and detailing where the originals can be seen. Acknowledging that they did not have sole interest in the matter, the Committee decided to canvas opinion from other potentially interested parties – Neighbourhood Groups, Local History Group, Civic Society, Birmingham Trees for Life, Botanic Gardens, etc. (Action: All)
5 Selly Oak Festival 2011
Arrangements are proceeding well. Further to the last meeting the following actions and suggestions were agreed:
· The Bloco Louco Samba Band has been booked – a one hour workshop, sandwiched between two 30 min performances, all between noon and 2 p.m.
· It was anticipated that a junior Accordion Band would be available to play for 10-15 mins
· AS till waiting to hear about the availability and suitability a troupe of Belly Dancers.
· Possibility of organising some Irish Set Dancing. (Action: A-MM)
· Permission has been obtained to have a table in Sainsbury’s on 11th June from which we can advertise the festival with posters and leaflets. (Action: KP)
Discussion arose about the size of the event in the light of the anticipated re-apportionment of Fair rental money back from the Council to serve the needs of the Festival and the community. Details had been obtained about a Falconry Display, at £300 + VAT initially thought to be beyond our financial means. Careful consideration suggested that this might be a great crowd puller, at the same time chiming nicely with the Nature Trail concept in the Park and still within our means. It was decided to ask SC (who had had to leave the meeting by this stage) if such activity would be permissible in the Park (Action: AS) and to enquire of the availability of the falconers on the Festival date (Action: KP), and in the light of findings canvas wider committee opinion as to making a booking. (Action: AS)
6 Bids for Trees
AS advised that the Friends’ interests had been included in a group bid for funding for more trees, by Birmingham Trees for Life, under the current Big Tree Planting scheme.
7 Dog Mess
SC had indicated that the Street Scene Officer, Richard Green, with his team, would be working in and around the Park in the near future, to clean, patrol. liaise and police an initiative aimed at responsible dog-walking in the Park.
8 Any Other Business
· RW drew attention to opportunities for Section 106 bidding for provision for Open Spaces associated with potential planning proposals coming under consideration in the district in the next few months. AS suggested that the Exercise Trail might be funded through these means. (Action: AS)
· A-MM suggested that local streets might be encouraged to sponsor specific flower beds in the Park. NC advised that the formal “adopt a rose bed” scheme was closed, but she undertook to see what opportunities might still be available. (Action: NC) NC counselled the need for on-going maintenance, plant provision, etc should a street decide to “adopt” a bed, else the bed would revert to grass cover in company with a number of other beds in the Park already destined to that end.
· The possibilities for the Park in the context of (Keep Britain Tidy) Green Flag Awards were aired. It was decided to keep the issue in mind for future years; applications for the current year 2011/2012 have closed.
9 Date and Place of Next Meeting
6pm, Monday 16th May 2011, Ariel Scouts Hut, Gibbins Road.
11 March 2011 - Councillor Robert Wight's Website
Nature Trail opened in Selly Oak Park
Tracey Hewitt, who on top of her day job with the Council is the Neighbourhood Manager for Selly Oak St Marys, has done a great job in pulling together the trail and its many wood sculptures and information boards. In doing so, she worked closely with the Friends of Selly Oak Park and many others.
The trail has been funded by grant from the Selly Oak Ward Community Chest and the Birmingham Community Foundation's Grassroots programme
12th March 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park Website
Nature Trail Launched
A Friends of Selly Oak Park committee member quizzes wood carver Graham over his design for the welcome post. |
Friday 11th March 2011 was a special day for Selly Oak Park as it saw the launch of our new Nature Trail. You may have seen various items of art work springing up in the park in the last few weeks. Well with two additional carvings and one bench completed on Friday we finally launched the trail. Councillor Wright declared the trail open after speeches from Neighbourhood Manager Tracey Hewitt and members of the Friends committee. This was then followed by a tour of the trail. We were joined by Children form St Mary's School, the three artists who have worked on the trail, members of the Lapal Canal Trust, Birmingham Trees for Life (who planted 9 new trees to celebrate the event), members of the original park keepers family and several senior staff from Birmingham City Council. All agreed that the trail is a major asset to the park and the neighbourhood.
2011 - Birmingham Trees for Life (BTFL) (See
Sue Griffith in the BTFL Annual Report for 2010 / 2011 wrote:
14th March 2011 - Quadron Environmental Services
Nicola Clarke described the launch of the Nature Trail in the Park:
8th April 2011 - Birmingham Mail
The following article by Graham Young is reproduced with kind permission of the Birmingham Mail. Graham Young's "Walk in the Park" column is published exclusively in the Birmingham Mail every Friday. To date, there have been more than 250 features from in and around Birmingham since October, 2005.
2011 - Birmingham Trees for Life (BTFL) (See
Sue Griffith in the BTFL Annual Report for 2010 / 2011 wrote:
Selly Oak Park
Our tree planting was part of a much larger celebratory event on Friday 11th March organised by the Friends of the park to celebrate the opening of an art & nature trail and the publication of a history of the park. The land for the park was originally farmland; as the area became increasingly industrialised, a Cadbury daughter realised that workers needed a park and it was laid out in 1899. The children from nearby St Marys CE Primary had already enjoyed hearing about the old canal alongside the park and seen wood carvers at work before they helped to plant 9 trees along the edge of the park fronting Gibbins Road. The Friends wanted to continue the line of white and red hawthorn trees and add some more oak trees. Oak trees are of course very much part of the history of Selly Oak Park!
Our tree planting was part of a much larger celebratory event on Friday 11th March organised by the Friends of the park to celebrate the opening of an art & nature trail and the publication of a history of the park. The land for the park was originally farmland; as the area became increasingly industrialised, a Cadbury daughter realised that workers needed a park and it was laid out in 1899. The children from nearby St Marys CE Primary had already enjoyed hearing about the old canal alongside the park and seen wood carvers at work before they helped to plant 9 trees along the edge of the park fronting Gibbins Road. The Friends wanted to continue the line of white and red hawthorn trees and add some more oak trees. Oak trees are of course very much part of the history of Selly Oak Park!
14th March 2011 - Quadron Environmental Services
Nicola Clarke described the launch of the Nature Trail in the Park:
8th April 2011 - Birmingham Mail
The following article by Graham Young is reproduced with kind permission of the Birmingham Mail. Graham Young's "Walk in the Park" column is published exclusively in the Birmingham Mail every Friday. To date, there have been more than 250 features from in and around Birmingham since October, 2005.
4th May 2011 - Lapal Link
The Journal of the Lapal Canal Trust, "Lapal Link", (Edition 9 - Spring 2011) contained an article by Ken Pugh on "The Early History of Selly Oak Park". This article was very similar to that published in the Brummagem Magazine in 2010 (which see).
18th June 2011 - Selly Oak Festival
Several thousand invitation cards were distributed to local households during the week before the Festival and on Friday, 17th June the Birmingham Mail included a notice on Graham Young' s "Whats-on" pages.
The streets of Selly Oak were festooned with Robert Wilkinson's posters advertising the Fun Fair.
Minute of the Committee Meeting
Held in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road
Present: Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary), and Bob Curry. Nicola Clarke (Quadron) and Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scouts) were also present. Iggy Smith (BCC, Playground Design Group) attended for Agenda item 4.
Present: Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice- Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary) and Bob Curry.
21 October 2011 - Birmingham Mail
An article about Sainsbury's development proposals, whilst not mentioning the Park, was illustrated by a photograph of the canal bridge at the Harborne Lane entrance to the park.
2nd November 2011 - Youtube
A video sequence showing the stump of the old Selly Oak oak tree was posted on Youtube:
2. The Minute of the last meeting was accepted as an accurate record.
16 May 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Executive Committee Meeting
Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Ken Pugh (Secretary), Denise Bobb, Bob Curry, Malcolm Smith.
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Tracey Hewitt (Neighbourhood Officer, BCC), Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scout Group), Iggy Smith (Playground Design Group, BCC).
Apologies: Michael Chu, Simon Cooper (Parks Manager, BCC), Cllr Brigid Jones.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked people for giving their time to the Friends group.
1 The Minute of the committee meeting on 7th March 2011
The minute was approved.
2 Matters Arising
Item 2 – Regarding a memorial for the late Geoff Bartlett. Having regard to our currently limited finances, and the high cost of memorial benches, it was decided to approach the woodcarver, Dick Tilly, seeking his assistance to make a carved seat for this purpose. It was observed that the carvings in the park, unlike many other features, had been graffiti free, suggesting that the work of the craftsman was more respected than more commonly produced items. (Action: NC)
– Regarding the use of the Youth Bus – the arranged programme of use had been cancelled when the Bus was unexpectedly taken out use for servicing. The cancellation impacted our funding arrangements and made further meaningful use of the Bus impossible.
Item 7 – Dog Mess – Negotiations were still on-going to obtain the help of the Street Scene Team with the problems of dog mess in the park. It was observed that the problem lay with only a very small number of inconsiderate dog owners. It was noted that the biggest problem appeared to occur in the early morning and, given the lighter evenings, the early evening, and it was suggested that the Street Scene Team’s attention might be focussed around those times. (Action: AS)
3 Chairman’s Items
AS notified that Robert Wright had not been returned as a councillor in the recent election, and paid tribute to his very enthusiastic involvement with the Friends Group and his help during his term of office. Councillor Brigid Jones has been elected in his place. Councillor Jones had been invited to the meeting, had expressed her interest in our group and hopes of attending future meetings, but with Council activities to attend to this occasion had sent her apologies.
4 Selly Oak Festival 2011
Arrangements are proceeding well and much is now in place. Final practical details were considered.
The football competition will run from 10.00 a.m.; the Samba Band’s programme will run between 12 noon and 2 p.m.; the Falconry display will be in attendance throughout the festival, with suggested flying times at about 11.30 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. (as the Samba Band finishes). First aid arrangements are in place; as are catering arrangements and ice cream provision has been approved but is yet to be arranged (Action AS). It was agreed to purchase an insurance package covering equipment, and an attendance of 1,000 people (but not proceed with cancellation insurance). (Action: AS)
AS reviewed the full list of stall holders and activity providers, and the Group agreed sundry details.
There was discussion of the group’s own (fund-raising) activities in the Festival – accepting that there would be limited manpower as much would be involved with general stewarding duties. NC agreed to prepare a picture board highlighting the events in the park during the past 12 months. (Action: NC) It was agreed that there would be several quiz type activities - how many trees in the park, sweeties in the jar, nature trail quiz, name the teddy, history corner quiz, etc.
AS was congratulated on the preparation and placing of prominent advertisement boards adjacent to the Lodge in Gibbins Road. He sought, and was given, agreement to the purchase of a FOSOP (PVC) banner for this and future events, and about 10 high-vis jackets labelled FOSOP on the back.
Advertisement cards are in preparation – Watermill School have been invited to help with its design – 5,000 will be printed. House to house and other distribution of these will take place from the weekend before the Festival. (Action: All) On Saturday 11th June KP has arranged for his history display to be used at Sainsbury’s during the day, and there will be opportunity for advertising and invitation card distribution there.
It is anticipated that preparation on Festival day will start around 8.30 a.m. (first at the Scout Hut and then in the Park) and clear up afterwards is expected to last until at least 3.30 p.m. As many Committee members as possible were urged to assist.
It was suggested that there should be a “debrief meeting” as soon after the Festival as possible. It was agreed that this might take the form of a social evening of some kind and MS agreed to arrange an appropriate activity. (Action: MS)
5 Conservation - The Old Selly Oak
The plaque has been removed from the butt of the old oak tree – a wise (theft-proofing) move since its fixings were almost completely corroded and it was possible to remove it without any difficulty. Prices are being sought for its replication – both as a full copy in brass (as per original) and as a reproducible composite replica. It is anticipated that the original plaque will be mounted on a polished cross-section of an oak tree (Action: NC to source) and displayed in the local library for safe keeping.
The butt of the oak tree is in poor condition. Investigations will continue concerning any treatments that may be reasonably practicable for preservation (e.g. freeze treatment; resin impregnation in situ). It is feared that once it is moved it may disintegrate and not be available for any further heritage purpose. The alternative is to let it “rest in peace” without any further disturbance and accept that it is a natural article in a natural environment and therefore have a limited life.
Whatever the outcome, it is desirable that there be a substantial and comprehensive interpretation board recording the history of the oak. It was thought that SC had ideas of what might be possible (based on similar features elsewhere) and NC was asked to discuss these with him. In the meantime AS agreed to lodge an application for, say, £3,000 with the Community Chest for an interpretation feature. (Action: NC, SC, AS)
6 Nature Trail
It was agreed that the Nature Trail leaflets should now be distributed. A start has been made but volunteers were sought for house to house distributions (which could be done in parallel with the Festival invitation cards when they are ready). (Action: All) Attention was drawn to the Nature Trail feature on our website, and to the quiz sheet which can be downloaded from there.
7 Zip Wire
IS was able to confirm that the zip wire had been installed correctly and according to specification – albeit there was no gradient from one end to the other and therefore no spontaneous “zip”. It was noted that the equipment was designed (technically) as a “horizontal swing”. Whilst some thought that the lack of zip detracted from the excitement of the play apparatus and discouraged use, others had observed that there was always a busyness about the equipment – and that from all ages, male and female – but especially, and extraordinarily, it provided for collective and co-operative play, a very unusual feature of modern day play equipment. After considerable discussion it was decided to continue to observe and assess on-going usage and gather opinion informally before making a final decision at the next meeting as to whether a “zip” should be induced by raising one end of the equipment (sufficient funds, £2,400, have been retained should they be needed) or leaving it as it is in favour of the new mode of play. Should the retained money not be used to raise the wire, then it could be used for a piece of gym equipment for the park.
IS also informed that arrangements were in place (with finance allocated) to re-install the broken finger post, and install a metal ball chute with surrounding safety matting.
The suggestion of installing another wire, with definite zip, was suggested – but at a cost of £13,000 for purchase, installation and safety matting this was considered impractical.
Attention was drawn to the poorly settled turf around the edge of the matting around the zip wire – not helped by the recent long spell of rain-free weather.
IS was thanked for his attendance and contribution to the discussion and the Play Builder project.
8 Any Other Business
The possibility of a social event for committee members and families was discussed and MS agreed to look into this for some date in July. Action MS
9 Date and Place of Next Meeting
2pm Sunday 18h September 2011, Ariel Scouts Hut, Gibbins Road – to be followed at 3pm by the AGM.
18th June 2011 - Selly Oak Festival
Several thousand invitation cards were distributed to local households during the week before the Festival and on Friday, 17th June the Birmingham Mail included a notice on Graham Young' s "Whats-on" pages.
The streets of Selly Oak were festooned with Robert Wilkinson's posters advertising the Fun Fair.
18 September 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Committee Meeting
Held in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road
Present: Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary), and Bob Curry. Nicola Clarke (Quadron) and Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scouts) were also present. Iggy Smith (BCC, Playground Design Group) attended for Agenda item 4.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanking them for giving their time to the Friends Group
- Apologies were received from Michael Chu, Bridget Ferris, Simon Cooper (BCC Parks Manager) and Cllr. Alasdair Dow.
- The Minute of the last meeting was accepted as an accurate record.
- Matters arising – were all considered under subsequent agenda headings.
- Zip wire. Having observed zip wire use in its horizontal (zip-less) mode during the past few months it was decided that the apparatus should be modified to ensure a gradient was applied to the wire and thus more “zip” introduced. Iggy Smith agreed to investigate whether it was cheaper to i) move the entire structure to a new position in the park where there was a natural gradient, or ii) build up one end of the structure in its present position. IS was urged to proceed with the modifications as soon as possible (Action: IS). IS confirmed that there are reserved funds to enable this change.
IS drew attention to new sources of (matched) funding which might be available through the initiative that Cllr. Mullaney, BCC Cabinet member for Leisure and Sport, was championing, and which was sponsored by the Olympics Movement and Addidas. NC confirmed that Simon Cooper had already included the infrastructure (paths, etc.) needs of Selly Oak Park in his response to Cllr. Mullaney. It was thought that this would also be an opportunity to follow up on the proposals to purchase and install exercise equipment in the park (Action: AS). In this connection AS and DB reported that they had viewed such equipment in Sandwell Park, where between £30K and £50K worth of equipment had been installed in a single zone focussed at the late teens / early 20s age group (the single zone enabled Addidas to use their logos to highlight their sponsorship of the scheme – perhaps a priority for them). In contrast IS indicated that similar equipment had been installed as coupled units around Lightswood Park. A discussion arose about the relative merits of a single exercise zone or components distributed around the park. There was concern that a single zone might result in the gathering of larger groups of young people which might be a perceived threat to other park users. It was noted that some members of the public had a traditional view of what a park should offer – a quiet space – and that distributed exercise equipment might not be compatible with that view. It was decided – as a happy compromise - that if exercise equipment is to be installed it should not be installed next to the existing playground, but single or coupled units should be distributed in a sector of the park, not across its entire area.
- Willow Sculpture. There was considerable disappointment at the mal-treatment of the willow sculpture and the extensive damage it had sustained. Despite repairs made by AS and Derek Foley, Cyril looks very poorly! Tracey Hewitt is contacting Bob Green seeking advice about some autumn repair; albeit a considerable number of new willows may be required to restore the squirrel to health (Action: TH).
- Memorial bench for Geoff Bartlett. Arrangements are in hand for Dickie Tilley to fashion a bench reflecting the late Geoff’s engineering interest, the bench to be made from 2 sleepers and be similar in size to the one near the willow sculpture. The sleepers have been sourced, but delivery will cost more than the sleepers, unless free collection can be arranged (- any volunteers?). £500 is budgeted and available for this project.
- Organisational structure for Festival. AS, anticipating the continuing growth of the Selly Oak Festival, proposed various organisational roles for future events:
Overall Manager (– AS willing to continue in role)
Site Manager (– would Malcolm Smith might be willing to continue in role having done a good job informally last year?)
Entertainments Sub-Committee
Stalls Manager (?)
Organiser of the FOSOP stall
Sports / football Organiser
Publicity / Advertising Manager
and suggested that Committee members might consider which roles they could adopt (Action: All). It may be possible to co-opt helpers to specific tasks even though they may not want to be FOSOP Committee members – the Festival is a general local community event.
- Robert Wilkinson invite to November meeting. AS reported that he has invited Robert Wilkinson to the next meeting to meet members, to talk about his and the Friends needs for the festival, and consider dates for future events.
- Meeting frequency. It was agreed that the frequency of meetings should be maintained at alternate monthly throughout the year with the exception of the mid-summer period. It was agreed that i) an additional (mainly Festival organisation) meeting was needed in the Spring, ii) another short (“flight check”) meeting a few days before the Festival, and iii) a Festival feedback meeting within a week or so of the event. These arrangements will be taken into consideration when arranging future meeting dates at the AGM.
Inadvertent circumstances had prevented the post-Festival social / feedback meeting proposed for this year. AS asked that any important feedback be emailed to him (Action: All).
- Priorities for 2011/12. It was agreed that provision of exercise equipment – focussed towards the older age group – as discussed under agenda item 4 - should form the main priority for 2011/12.
- AOB KP exhibited a replica (resin based) plaque as a replacement for the brass plaque from the stump of the “Selly Oak” in the park so that the latter could be kept safe from loss now that it is identified in the Art, History and Nature Trail. Later in the afternoon the replica was fastened to the stump. The preparation of the original plaque for safe display will now be arranged (Action: KP).
- Date, time and place of next meeting. (Agreed after the AGM – see that minute.)
Monday, 21 November 2011, 6pm, Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.
18 September 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Annual General Meeting
held at 3pm, Sunday 18 September 2011, in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road
Present: Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice- Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary) and Bob Curry.
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scouts), Simon Stafford, Jennie Edwards, Kath Smith, Gill Malone, Maggie Meredith, Mick Double.
1. Apologies: Michael Chu, Bridget Ferris, Simon Cooper (BCC Parks Manager) and Cllr. Alasdair Dow (the latter having written: “I would like to record my appreciation of your (i.e. Andrew Schofield’s) continued leadership of the Friends group and in particular the very successful (despite the weather) festival which you organised again”).
2. Minute of the 2010 AGM:
The minute of the last AGM was accepted without amendment as an accurate record.
3. Matters Arising: AS reported:
Benches: Eight benches have been installed since the last AGM.
Seventh Day Adventists: This group had not applied for use of the park again. Another religious group had used the park during the summer of 2011 for a much smaller and quieter event giving no cause for concern.
Doctors: The makers of the “Doctors” TV programme were charged for the use of the park but the income went into BCC Parks Department general funds and was used to offset expenditure across all the parks and could not be identified for sole use at Selly Oak Park.
Cyclists: As requested, the police had investigated the issue of speeding and careless cyclists in the Park. There were no problems evident at the time of their observations, so they could take no action. Nevertheless the problem persists. The Friends had intended to erect a “polite notice” but other activities had consumed all available funds. When resources allow a sign(s) will be provided.
Youths: The “Youth Bus” had been booked for use on a series of occasions earlier in the year. At the eleventh hour the organisers withdrew the facility in an unfortunate manner and offering no alternatives. The financial resources allocated for this costly project were therefore refocused towards other activities. When the Bus was unexpectedly offered again it was declined on the basis of lack of funds and of trust.
4. Chairman's Annual Report:
AS circulated a written report:
Annual Report 2010/2011
“The last year has probably been our busiest yet and we saw a lot of improvements in the park. We spent most of the autumn preparing for some new metal benches and making the park ready for the Nature Trail. The benches were finally installed early in 2011 and were quickly followed by the majority of the nature trail items. This included 3 new wooden benches making a total of 8 benches installed in 2011. The Nature Trail also has 4 wooden sculptures and a willow sculpture. The latter was installed one chilly day in February with the help of children from St Mary’s School and members of the committee. It was a great day. We are pleased that most of the nature trail art work has been respected but saddened by the treatment given to the willow structure. Some of the nature trail signs have also been damaged but we have managed to recover and re-install all of them. The Trail was opened in March.
“Later in the same month two items of play equipment were installed under the Government’s Play Builder scheme. This scheme was finally completed in June. Mostly we are pleased with the new equipment although the Zip Wire is not what we expected.
“June also saw the 2011 Selly Oak Festival which was a great success. We had about 20 stalls with a range of activities; some fund raising some not. Those fund raising took between £50 and £100 for their charities or groups. We also had a falconry display and music from Bloco Louco. We estimate that we had about 1000 visitors although it is very hard to tell. The event was once again sponsored by Robert Wilkinson’s Fun Fair. The festival has grown considerably over the last 3 years making it more expensive to run and we now need to raise additional funds in advance of the festival to cover entertainment and insurance costs.
“This year we have also been undertaking some conservation work on the stump of the old ‘Selly Oak’ which was removed from Oak Tree Lane and deposited in the park in 1909. The stump itself is in quite a perilous state and we have removed the commemorative plaque for conservation. Park Historian Ken Pugh has been investigating methods for making replica plaques that can be installed in the park so eliminating the risk of ‘losing’ the original, which can then be transferred to a safe display location. We have also been considering ways of conserving the stump and welcome the views of local residents on this matter.
“2010/11 also saw the re-launch of our web site The new site (based on a blog format) has proved very easy to manage and update and is now receiving a regular flow of visitors from all over the world. It serves as a way to pass on information about the park, promote the park and canvass opinion. We have also established a photo gallery on Flickr (sic) with some stunning contributions from local residents.
“We were saddened by the passing of founder member Geoff Bartlett in January. Geoff was a very supportive member of the committee and a committed friend of the park. We have decided to install a bench in Geoff’s honour. This will be made from sleepers and will have a mechanical theme to reflect Geoff’s other hobby: designing and building Stirling engines.
“We thank the following people for their support over the last year: Simon Cooper and Tracey Hewitt of Birmingham City Council, Nicola Clarke and Derek Foley of Quadron, Robert Wright, Cllrs Alistair Dow and Dave Radcliffe, Adrian Langley (Chairman of Ariel Scouts), and Val, Gill and Wendy for delivering leaflets.”
Andrew Schofield September 2011
AS exhibited a replica which it was proposed to put in the place of the original brass plaque on the stump of the “Selly Oak”, and explained that it was intended to mount the original on an oak base and display it in a safe place (e.g. the library). The stump is in a very poor state through advanced decomposition and is probably beyond economic recovery. AS asked for any members of the community with a strong view on its preservation to contact him with their suggestions concerning the future of the stump. In the absence of feedback it is proposed to seek financial support from local sources to provide a substantial interpretation board explaining the history of the oak, locate it adjacent to the rotting stump with its ivy coat, and allow the stump to rest in peace.
In response to a question, AS explained that sufficient funds were available to make and install the memorial bench for Geoff Bartlett. The dog-walking park user group kindly intimated their wish to assist if there was a shortfall in necessary funds for the bench. They asked that they be informed when the bench was to be installed (Action: AS).
5. Treasurer's Report:
DB presented the accounts for 2010/2011. The balance stands at £314.56 with all commitments met and 2 future meetings in the Ariel Scout Hut paid for. AS explained that a further £500 is still held by the Council and this money will be drawn upon to fund the memorial bench for Geoff Bartlett.
DB drew attention to cash flow problems during the run up to the Festival and the need to rely on “bridge” funding kindly made available personally by AS. This arises every year because the funds from the Council can only be drawn to reimburse expenditure when it has been made. We should not have to rely on AS for this facility, especially as the Festival is growing and becoming more expensive. There will be a need to fund-raise between now and next March for the 2012 Festival. There were suggestions as to what might be done – i) a table top sale(s) (help with the organisation of this would be appreciated), ii) apply for match funding from the Ward Committee in view of the fact that the Festival is a community event not just a park activity, and iii) when applying to the Community Chest for help with funding for the interpretation board for the “Selly Oak”, apply for the Festival too.
6. Election of officers for 2011/12
There being no new volunteers, and the current incumbents being willing to remain in office, the following were duly re-elected:
Chairman: Andrew Schofield Vice Chairman: Ann-Marie McCarthy
Treasurer: Dave Barker Secretary: Ken Pugh
7. Election of ordinary committee members for 2011/12
The full committee comprises the four officers (as above) and 6 ordinary members. In the absence of further volunteers the four existing members – Michael Chu, Bob Curry, Bridget Ferris and Malcolm Smith – were re-elected. Two vacancies remain.
Help with any aspect of the Friends’ activities is welcome at any time – especially occasional help with delivering leaflets, and help on the run up to, and during, the annual festival.
8. Questions and comments from the floor (including items raised under AOB)
Cyclists – It was emphasised that the problem of careless cyclists persists, and an appeal for renewed action was made. It was re-affirmed that the Committee would re-visit the issue and arrange for “polite notices” to be posted as soon as resources allow. (Action: Committee)
Willow Sculpture – There had been great joy and excitement over the arrival of the willow sculpture amongst the younger users of the park, and appreciation was expressed for the imaginative initiative. On the other hand sadness and disgust was voiced at the damage which had been done to “Cyril” during his short life in the park, and it was hoped some repairs could be made. It was pointed out that the sculpture was the responsibility of the Friends Group and not of the Parks Department. Funding for repair was therefore an issue. It was suggested that the Neighbourhood Forum and/or the Frederick Road Neighbourhood Association might be approached for help in this regard. The damage is so extensive that new growth which might have been used to weave repairs has not occurred. There were suggestions concerning the local availability of repair reeds. It was hoped that Bob Green (the willow sculptor) could be invited back to advise on repairs. The Committee agreed to keep the issue under review and make strenuous efforts to repair the damage. (Note: Since the meeting, Tracey Hewitt has kindly made funding available from the Neighbourhood Forum and it is hoped to repair the sculpture with new reeds during the autumn.) (Action: Committee)
Millennium Wood – It was observed that, unlike the willow sculpture, the Millennium Wood has been trouble free, and has been a source of pleasure and encouragement especially to Birmingham Trees for Life, who have now noted and advised that the Wood will soon need thinning. (Action: Committee to keep under review.)
Sainsbury’s – It was suggested that the Committee should actively monitor, and respond to, Sainsbury’s proposals for the development of the retail area, especially as they might relate to the park. (Action: Committee)
Park Lodge – KP drew attention to the increasingly dilapidated appearance of the Lodge and urged that some maintenance, commensurate with that afforded other adjacent Council owned properties, be arranged, especially as it is i) a listed building, ii) is part of the Art, History & Nature Trail, and iii) an important feature in a park that has recently become a more “alive” and attractive open space.
Observations – Several new features in the park were much appreciated - the nuthatch tree sculpture and the deer sculpture being particularly mentioned. The Millennium Wood and the play area had also been very well received and used. The park had been very busy during the summer, with young children, picnickers, footballers, etc.
Appreciation – The accomplishments of the Friends group during the past few years were kindly recognised, and NC proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee for their enthusiasm and involvement. Special appreciation was reserved for Derek Foley, the park keeper, who is recognised widely by the community for his helpful and personable manner. NC reported that he had recently received the employee of the month award from Quadron; and the meeting accordingly offered him their congratulations and thanks.
9. Future Meetings
It was agreed i) that Committee meetings would continue to be held on the third Monday in alternate months, except July and August, at 6pm, in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road; and ii) that extra meetings, largely for Festival planning, would be held in April and June.
The programme of meetings for 2011/12 is therefore:
November 21 Normal Committee meeting
January 16 Normal Committee meeting
March 19 Normal Committee meeting
April 16 Festival Planning (date to be confirmed)
May 21 Normal Committee meeting
June 11 Short Festival “flight-check” meeting
June 16 or 23 FESTIVAL (date to be confirmed)
September 16 (Sunday) 2pm Normal Committee meeting, followed at 3pm by AGM
21 October 2011 - Birmingham Mail
An article about Sainsbury's development proposals, whilst not mentioning the Park, was illustrated by a photograph of the canal bridge at the Harborne Lane entrance to the park.
2nd November 2011 - Youtube
A video sequence showing the stump of the old Selly Oak oak tree was posted on Youtube:
21st November 2011 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Committee Meeting
held in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road on Monday 21 November 2011
Present: Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chairman), Ken Pugh (Secretary), Michael Chu and Bob Curry.
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Simon Cooper (BCC Parks Manager), Tony Fox (TF) (Friends of Cannon Hill Park), Adrian Langley (Chairman, Ariel Scouts), and Robert Wilkinson (Robert Wilkinson Fair) (RW) were also present.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanking them for giving their time to the Friends Group
1. Apologies were received from Dave Barker and Bridget Ferris.
2. The Minute of the last meeting was accepted as an accurate record.
3. Matters arising
Zip wire – the adjustments agreed for the zip wire are in hand; Iggy Smith is currently negotiating with the installers regarding a partial refund.
4. Festival 2012
AS particularly welcomed RW to the meeting to discuss our mutual aims, ambitions, needs and contributions in regard to the annual Festival. RW anticipates the Fair being in the Park for two weeks in June / July 2012, and open for the public on 28th to 31st June and again 5th to 7th or possibly 8th July, thus giving the Friends access to funds arising from 7 or 8 days Fair rental. The date for the Selly Oak Festival was agreed as Saturday, 30th June 2012. (It was noted that this is the weekend the Olympic Torch comes into Birmingham.) Bloco Louco (Samba Band) (provisionally reserved for the Festival again) will need to be advised (Action: KP). RW offered the free use of his new show stage (with amplification) for the festival, agreeing to move the stage into the area used by the Festival for the Festival day. Discussion centred around the focus that the stage will provide and the sort of entertainments that could be considered. Scooby Zoo and friends, reserved by RW for his 2012 season, come highly recommended by RW and TF, and would be available (at cost) to us. RW also had contact with a juggler with other circus skills who could possibly work the park amongst the visitors. Roxie Collins (Selly Oak Arts Forum) was also suggested as a contact for local artistes who might relish the opportunity to support the Festival. It was suggested that an MC may be needed to maximise the potential of the stage; RW thought that Bob Brueton might be available and willing to undertake that role. KP was prevailed upon to plan and book entertainments for the Festival – and it was suggested that a meeting with Scooby Zoo, Roxie Collins and Bob Brueton might be productive. TF suggested that David Rose, Sports Co-ordinator might be able to help with community games, as might Rounders England.
AS notified that he had successfully approached the local Ward Committee to assist with funding ahead of the Festival. They had agreed to advance £500 immediately, for spending by 31st March 2012, to cover such as deposits on entertainments, insurance, trophies, etc; and invited the Friends, as necessary, to apply for more in January. AS suggested that the Friends might consider hiring their own Portaloo to augment the facilities offered by the Fair. RW offered to arrange for his supplier to include an additional unit that the Festival could fund. TF suggested that the funding streams from ASDA, Tesco, Sainsburys and other local stores should be accessed during the next 6 months.
There was a thorough exploration of the interaction of the Fair and the Festival and the impact of the one upon the other in drawing visitors. Clearly the Fair exists for the benefit of the public, but is also a commercial enterprise and as such must generate and maximise its opportunities. On the other hand the Festival is a voluntary activity and the energy and enthusiasm of volunteers is sapped when crowds are drawn away as the Fair opens. However, it was recognised that we are moving into a new phase – both the growing size of the event and the focus on a stage – and that the Fair and the Festival might have a more complementary role, appealing to different parts of the family audience anticipated. It would be very helpful to have a clear schedule of events in the Festival, boldly advertised, that would allow visitors to plan their time to come and go between the Fair and the Festival as activities of interest attracted them. It might be worth extending the Festival opening time a little.
Festival roles: AS to approach Malcolm Smith to confirm his willingness (or otherwise) to be the Site Manager; and Bridget Ferris, the Assistant Site Manager, a role she spontaneously assumed last year very effectively (Action: AS). AS agreed to have a general overview, attend to the “legal” aspects of the Festival, and with his local contacts arrange stall bookings, etc. DB had agreed to co-ordinate the football competition again. AS was anxious that someone should take responsibility for organising a FOSOP stall – either as a fund-raising opportunity, or a promotional activity, or both – and appealed for a volunteer. As noted above, KP to plan and book entertainments.
5. Memorial Bench for Geoff Bartlett.
Dickie Tilley had indicated that he was unable to provide a bench within our available budget. TH had offered £200 towards the project from the ward budget. Some dog-walkers had less enthusiasm for sleeper benches and thought a more traditional memorial bench might be more appropriate. SC advised that a traditional bench, supplied and installed would cost c£800. AS had consulted with Graham Jones, who had offered to make an engineering themed seat (in the style of his storytelling bench on the Gibbins Road side of the park) within a £700 budget. It was observed that there was an apparent respect for the carved benches, and an absence of vandalism / graffiti towards them, when compared with other seating types. After discussion it was proposed to pursue Graham Jones’ offer (Action: AS). SC indicated that it may also be possible to provide a more traditional bench as part of a proposed package he would describe later (see below, Item 10) (Action: SC).
6. Exercise Trail / Zone
AS explained his pursuit of funding. Ongoing consideration.
7. Bulbs
AS expressed his desire to obtain some bulbs for the area around the Millennium Wood. SC and NC explained that it was too late for this year – bulbs needed to be ordered and supplied by September and in the ground by October. For effect, several thousand bulbs would be required; 10,000 bulbs would cost as much as £700. It was decided to bring the item forward to the next meeting for planning in Spring 2012 (Action: Next agenda).
8. Cyclists
Notices to be provided (see below, Item 10) (Action: SC)
9. Dog Mess
The problem persists. Little improvement has been achieved; a lot more work is needed. SC agreed to give feed-back to Richard Green with the intention of coming forward with a mini-campaign for discussion at the next meeting (Action: SC, Next agenda)
10. New paths and trip level fencing
SC tabled costed proposals to use new funding, only available until 31st March 2012, for a package of developments in the park, including:
· new metal trip rail along the Gibbins Road frontage to the park to the SW of the lodge, and a bollard at that corner of the park
· new traditional 5-bar hardwood (possibly oak) gates hung on the existing brick piers
· a new gravel pathway from near the Corisande Road entrance leading to the Lapal pathway at the NW corner of the park, and the installation of a new maintenance access barrier gate at that corner
· new gravel pathway from behind the lodge along the Gibbins Road side of the park to the eastern corner so completing a circular path
· removal of the old bitmac path (the original NE boundary path), and turfing over it
· additional furniture – seats / benches (in the same style of those already in the park), bins and cycle signs
· additional planting – extra heavy standard trees
· relocation of the goal posts (to ease wear and tear on the turf)
The work would be undertaken as soon as possible and as far as funding allowed.
The proposals were received enthusiastically and with much gratitude.
11. History / preservation of stump of the old oak
AS explained that the plaque had now been replaced by a replica; the original being with KP meanwhile. KP had sourced a slice of an oak trunk (kindly donated by Steve’s Industries Ltd. – the donation has been acknowledged) which could be dressed to make a mount for the original plaque (with an explanation plate), and the whole presented for safe keeping and display – say in the Library, or (a new suggestion) the new Sainsbury complex when it is completed. TF suggested that the West Midlands Woodworkers Club may be able to help with the dressing of the wood. (Action: KP)
Regarding the old stump: It was agreed that it would be the site of an interpretation feature regarding the “Selly Oak”. SC agreed to provide examples of interpretation board designs, and urged KP & AS to consider interpretation board content, as it may be possible to include something in the package he had outlined under Item 10 above. (Action; KP & AS)
12. Sainsbury’s Development Proposals
For the sake of all present, AS gave a brief summary of our recent meetings as a group and with the developers. AS, on behalf of FOSOP and the Park, has registered as a consultee on all local planning applications.
13. AOB
TF, on behalf of the Friends of Cannon Hill Park, gave a brief overview of their involvement with two Lottery funded University projects: i) Open Air Laboratories (OPAL), and especially ii) Dark Sky Discovery. He urged the importance of these events as “happenings in parks”, and coupled with community arts projects, heritage initiatives, and community games, saw a great future for parks and open spaces, and thought the time was right for Friends groups to engage with such. He tabled information about the Dark Sky discovery project, and also a programme of events for 2012 at Cannon Hill Park.
14. Date, time and place of next meeting.
Monday, 16 January 2012, 6pm, Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.