2013 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 4 March 2014
  21st January 2013 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting
held in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road on Monday 21 January 2013

Present:   Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Teasurer), Ken Pugh (Secretary), and Adrian Langley (Ariel Scouts).

Apologies:  Steve Carter, Bob Curry, Ann-Marie McCarthy, Nicola Clarke (Quadron), and Simon Cooper (BCC)
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting thanking them for giving time to the Friends Group on such a snow-bedevilled evening.
1.         Community Partnership for Selly Oak (cp4so)
AS gave a brief overview of developments since the last FoSOP meeting regarding the regeneration proposals for Sainsbury’s Battery site, and described the proposed formation of a Community Partnership which would urge the developers and the City Council to go ahead with the 2007 proposals which had already been given planning approval, and ii) the development of a website at www.cp4so.org.uk.
We reaffirmed our position, namely that, for all the benefits it would bring to the park, we wished to see a restored canal along its northern boundary.  This could only be achieved if Sainsbury’s (or indeed any other) development accommodated a watered section of canal across the site under consideration, and therefore we would become members of the Community Partnership and give our backing to its aims in this regard.  (Action:  AS)
2.         Festival 2013
AS tabled a draft of a contract / application form for stallholders which, after minor amendment and adjustment of the scale of charges, was approved.  (Action:  AS)
Insurance (underwritten by Zurich) from BTCV, covering events and activities for 12 months has been purchased.  This insurance does not cover the activities of other groups who may be involved in our events, and we therefore agreed to advise Festival participants to check their own insurance cover, taking advice from FoSOP or, where appropriate, from their own central administration.  (Action:  AS)   Explore with FoCP how they handle this matter.  (Action:  KP)
Grateful to Tracey Hewitt who had offered £750 to the Festival from the neighbourhood budget, the money having to be spent by 31st March.
Falconry and Juggler have been booked.  Investigate availability of a ceilidh band, also musical performers from Bournville Secondary School (Action:  AS).  Bloco Louco held in reserve meanwhile.
KP to liaise with SCo re the appearance of Pawfect at the Festival.  (Action:  KP)
KP had spoken to the manager of the refreshment room at Cannon Hill Park and learned that he would be willing to bring his motor train to the Festival to provide rides around the pathways.  Agreed to book.  (Action:  KP)
DB suggested inviting the Ariel Motorcycle Collectors Club to hold an event in conjunction with the Festival.  Agreed to investigate possibilities.  (Action:  KP) 
Advertising to attract stallholders via Twitter, our website, VSO website, past stallholder list, schools, etc.  (Action:  AS/KP)
3.         Cherry Oak School and the Park
KP reported on the meeting he, NC and SCo had had with Justine Sims, Executive Head-teacher, who was keen to provide educational experiences in the community for the handicapped children in her care.  Explored activities that might take place in the park, including the adoption of a flower bed.  JS, NC and SCo to continue to liaise (through KP if necessary) towards activity in the Spring.
4.         Green Flag
The documentation just needs a couple of factual insertions (SCo), and the addition of photographs (AS, KP, NC), and is then ready for submission by the deadline date of 23 February.  (Action:  SCo/NC)
5.         Geo-caching
SCa had sent a report that his proposal was in place and ready to roll except for the location of one cache which needed replacement from a site whose access he subsequently deemed unsuitable on health & safety grounds.  He proposed to demonstrate his system at the next meeting.  (Action:  SCa)  Check with SCo that geo-caching would be a suitable activity within BCC guidelines.  (Action:  KP)
6.         The Minute of the last meeting (19 November 2012) was accepted as an accurate record.
7.         Matters arising from the Minute
·         Carols in the Park had been a great success with approx 150 attending.  Agreed to do it again, and to get the date in local church diaries now (Action:  AS).  For future events will provide a gazebo for the musicians (who had been very much appreciated) and, with some suitable lighting, locate it nearer the illuminated tree. 
·         Exercise Zone – need to spend the available £10k by 31st March.  (Action:  AS/SCo)
·         Bulbs / Wild Flower Beds – Ongoing.  (Action:  NC/SCo)
·         Willow Sculpture   SCo to consult specialist colleagues for advice and assistance with remedial work.  (Action: SCo)  KP to enquire of FoCP whether they have spare willows and/or expertise to repair Cyril.  (Action:  KP)
8.          AOB
·         DB noted that the current balance of funds was £631.65
·         KP noted that the annual subscription (£30) to Birmingham Heritage Forum was due, and that the proof of the leaflet (including our entry) had been seen.
·         KP understood that the Park Ranger, Dean Paul, had been assigned to the Park
9.         Date, time and place of next meeting:  Monday 18th March 2013, Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.

18th March 2013 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 18 March 2013
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:      Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chair) and Malcolm Smith.
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Simon Cooper (BCC Parks), Adrian Langley (Scouts) and Dean Paul (New Park Ranger)

Apologies: Dave Barker (Treasurer), Steve Carter, Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).

Dean Paul, who has been in post for four months, was introduced to all present.

1.  Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 21 January 2013 was approved.

2.  Matters arising:

2.1  Exercise Zone:  Funding from section 106 funds and community chest has been secured for the exercise zone, and to carry out repairs and maintenance to the park.

The exercise zone will be located in the L section of the children's play area (as previously approved by the committee).  It is anticipated that the exercise zone will be completed in the next few months with equipment similar to that in Selly Park recreation area (Raddlebarn Road).  The exercise zone can be incorporated into our Selly Oak Festival.  It is hoped that University staff with an interest in sport and exercise, or Birmingham Council sports and leisure personnel, would be able to demonstrate exercise and the equipment to people attending the festival in this area.

Repairs need to be made to the car park, rubbish tidied up from certain areas of the park, litter bins replaced, and repairs made to paths (including resurfacing to the newer yellow paths and provision of water drainage points).  The wooden gates, benches and other features need to be treated in order to bring up the colour and make them more aesthetically appealing.

2.2  Bulbs, Bedding:  Cherry Oak Special School flower bed project is ongoing.

2.3  Willow sculpture:  Suggested that KP and Emma Wolfe inspect the sculpture.  NC observed that the willow sculpture is re-growing now and needs tying in, and that it may therefore be salvageable.  Cotteridge Park has a willow nursery which may be of use for our willow sculpture.

Park conservation - Andy Hogben architectural horticulturist may be able to offer some knowledge and skills to the park.

2.4  Geo-cache: Three geo-cache sites are already in use in the park.  Steve to look at putting more in.  It was suggested to advertise geo-cache on website.

2.5  Green Flag:  SC and NC and others have submitted the bid for Selly Oak Park to have Green Flag status.  The bid has been accepted; we await a date for judging - usually between April and June, often May.  We will use the Scout Hut as the base for the judges.  The verdict on the Green Flag award should be received within a month of visiting the park.  PDF of Green Flag bid to be circulated to all on committee.

3.  Festival

AS asked SC whether the proposed centralised funding for parks would impact Selly Oak park funds.  This does not appear to be a problem, which means that the committee should be able to use money from last year to secure acts and performers for this year, e.g falconry etc.  AS has circulated a booking form, showing booking fees, for pitches at the festival, using e-mails from people who had pitches last year.  So far not much response, but interest in pitches tends to happen closer to the festival.  Fee for pitch for non-profit organisation / charity £20, and for companies / commercial ventures £50.

Falconry, Martin the Juggler, and The Small Train from Canon Hill Park have already been booked for the Festival.

Other ideas for the festival:  
·         to have information on the Selly Oak park twitter feed.
·         to contact Joe Hayden, Head Park Ranger, re: rock climbing wall.

4.  Community Partnership for Selly Oak has twitter feed CP4SO which is useful for planning issues.

5.  Any Other Business

5.1  Lapal Canal.  The LCT are proposing a working party to clear debris from the Harborne Wharf section of the canal.  It was suggested that a combined, LCT, FoSOP and Ariel Scouts effort would be “good press” with regard to the developments on the Battery Site and with regard to Green Flag, as an example of conservation within the park.  LCT estimate that the section without infill would take a few hours to clear out.  Graffiti needs to be cleaned off the bridge.

The tow path and some clearance around this area with the present level of water makes it appear like a water feature.

Can use any salvaged wood for wood piles for hedgehogs.

5.2  Table tennis table:  A new table and net to be replaced in early April (SC).

Any vandalism to table tennis equipment or any of the Park’s other features needs to be reported to the Police.

Date of Next Meeting  

Festival planning meeting - 15th April 2013, 6pm, Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road. 


1st April 2013 - An April Fool's Day article



15th April 2013  -  Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee (Festival Planning) Meeting held on 15 April 2013
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:      Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chair), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
Simon Cooper (BCC Parks) and Adrian Langley.

Apologies: Nicola Clarke (Quadron)

1.  Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 18 March 2013 was approved.

2.  Matters arising:

2.1  Exercise Zone:  Installation work to begin shortly – anticipated completion in good time for Green Flag judging.

2.2  Repairs:  Path surfaces have been repaired; drainage to follow.  Other work in hand.

2.3  Bulbs, Bedding:  Cherry Oak Special School flower bed project – Action: KP to investigate progress.

2.4  Willow sculpture:  AS and KP to tie-in new shoots on 18 April.  Emma Wolfe to be invited to advise on longer term maintenance strategy.  (Action:  KP)

2.5  Damage to trees:  Noted.  SC wondered whether this might have been caused by Monkjack Deer which are known to be an increasing problem in other open spaces around the City.  Action:  Keep under surveillance, generally.

BC reported a fallen tree near the football pitches, and suggested it should remain as a play feature.  Action:  SC to examine.

2.6  Table Tennis Table:  Scheduled for replacement and re-siting, (on protective matting) nearer the area allocated for the exercise equipment, on 17 April.

3. Green Flag  

SC outlined the anticipated schedule of events leading up to, and on, the judging day.

4.  Festival
·         Permission to use park has been granted.
·         Temporary events licence to be obtained (AS).
·         First Aid cover, Scouts (catering, etc), Martin the Juggler, and Falconry, ice cream, all arranged.
·         Another hot food supplier to be sought (insisting on supplier having in place appropriate insurance, H&S certificate, fire precautions, etc.) (AS)
·         Frankie and Benny’s can hand out leaflets at the festival in return for a donation.  (AS)
·         SC to approach NC to enquire whether Quadron might be able to provide 2 men and a vehicle to help with general organisational matters, and equipment movement on Festival day.
·         Football tournament to be arranged – Action DB – ideally eight teams (6-a-side) for lads of 11 years and under, preferably from local schools, otherwise made up by invited teams.  Dave Radcliffe assisted by A N Other to referee.  Trophy to be presented by either of local councillors.  (AS)
·         Arena area to be marked for moveable posts and a rope barrier.  (AS/KP/DF)

Approaches to be made / followed up:
·         Train ride round park (KP)
·         Bouncy castle – KP speak to Andy @ KH Park (mention Fair running simultaneously)
·         Cheerleaders (AS)
·         Brass band – either Bournville Secondary School (AS), Raddlebarn School (AL), Cadbury’s (KP) or City of Birmingham (KP).
·         Ariel Owners Motorcycle Collectors Club (KP)
·         Bloco Louco (KP)
·         Climbing Wall – Rangers – via Dean Paul (SC)
·         Drama / music activities for stage – ask Cherry Oak School (KP), and St Edwards School (AMM)
·         Vintage SO (KP)
·         Beekeepers (AS)
·         Fire Brigade(AS)
·         QE Hopsital (KP)
·         British Military Fitness (AS)
·         Pawfect Dogsense (KP)
5.  Community Partnership for Selly Oak

Following examination and discussion of the various proposals on the table AMM agreed to draft a submission on behalf of FoSOP, incorporating the following points (not necessarily in the following order, and not exclusively):
·         Loss of view of the University Clock-tower, a unique visual characteristic of the Park.
·         Loss of amenity (view) due to proposed 16 storey tower block, and consequent blight.
·         Without a canal the walkway is not viable – and will be irrelevant to the park.
·         Green walkway as proposed is likely to be abused with all manner of nefarious activities.
·         Proposed cycle roots across proposed development are contrary to the recent BCC Strategy document – “Transforming Urban Movement through Cycling and Walking:  Changing Gear”.
·         There will be no real easing of traffic congestion in the area.
·         The difficulty of pedestrian crossing at the Gibbins Road junction (and thus access to the park) will be exacerbated if the green-walkway / canal channel is not connected under Harborne Lane.
·         The Gibbins Road junction will require pedestrian controlled traffic lights.
·         Partial development of the triangle will be counter-productive – full implementation is essential.
·         FoSOP support an alternative proposal - having Sainsburys turned through 90 degrees in keeping with the plan which was approved by the Council in 2007 – and as recommended by the CP4SO plan, per www.cp4so.org.uk.

6.  Any Other Business

6.1  SC introduced posters and the concept of “YellowDog”, which may be trialled in the park.

Date of Next Meeting  

Next normal Committee – Monday, 20 May, 6 pm, Ariel Scout Hut.
Festival planning (“pre-flight”) meeting – Monday, 24 June, 2013, 6pm, Ariel Scout Hut.

20th May 2013  -  Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 20 May 2013
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

Present:      Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chair), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Paul Lucas, John Moody (Ariel Scouts) and Gerard Airey (Ariel Scouts)

Apologies: Simon Cooper (BCC Parks), Adrian Langley (Ariel Scouts) and Malcolm Smith.

1.  Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 16 April 2013 was approved.

2.  Matters arising:

2.1  Exercise Zone:  Installation work to begin shortly – anticipated completion in good time for Green Flag judging.

2.2  Bulbs:  St Mary’s School and Cherry Oak Special School will plant bluebell bulbs near the Millennium Wood, with NC and KP, on the afternoon of Tuesday (21st May) and Thursday (23rd May) respectively.  If parental permission is granted, photographs to be posted on website. (Action: NC & KP)

2.3  Willow sculpture:  Looking better - AS and KP had had a session tying-in new shoots.  Subsequent strong growth is providing more scope for further remedial work in due course.  Outstanding action:  Emma Wolfe to be invited to advise on longer term maintenance strategy.  (Action:  KP)

2.4  Damage to trees:  Having examined the damage, and especially the height up the trees, NC believes it might be caused by fallow deer rubbing their antlers to rid them of felt – a seasonal phenomenon most likely in late Winter / early Spring.  The intricate network of inter-connected green corridors in the city is allowing the migration of deer and other animals.  In view of this, we may have to include tree guards into the cost of future tree planting – too expensive to do this retrospectively.  Action:  Keep under surveillance, generally.

Outstanding action:  SC to examine fallen tree near the football pitches to decide whether it should remain as a play feature.  (Action:  SC)

2.5  Table Tennis Table:  Has been repaired.

2.6  Geo-cache Project:  Outstanding action:  SC to locate new caches.  (Action:  SC)

3.  Festival 

About 15 stalls reserved so far.
After all it will not be possible to have the train ride and bouncy castle from Andy at Cannon Hill Park this year.
Bournville School’s brass quartet, brass ensemble and soul band have been booked.
Ariel Owners Motorcycle Collectors Club have agreed to display a small number of machines.
Cheerleaders are to support the football competition and have their own display spot.
Fliers are being designed by Tiverton Road School.
Outstanding actions:
·         Temporary events licence to be obtained (AS).
·         Another hot food supplier to be sought (insisting on supplier having in place appropriate insurance, H&S certificate, fire precautions, etc.) (AS)
·         SC to approach NC to enquire whether Quadron might be able to provide 2 men and a vehicle to help with general organisational matters, and equipment movement on Festival day.
·         Portaloo to be arranged and deployed in same manner as last year.  (AS)
·         Scouts to oversee car parking and appropriate level of marshalling dependent upon ground conditions on Festival day and the run up to it.  (GA)
·         Football tournament to be arranged and medals obtained – DB – ideally eight teams (6-a-side) for lads of 11 years and under, preferably from local schools, otherwise made up by invited teams.  [So far only 3 teams confirmed; others to be found.] (DB).  Dave Radcliffe assisted by A N Other to referee.  Trophy to be presented by either of local councillors.  (AS)  Trophy to be returned by current holders.  (AS)
·         Arena area to be marked for moveable posts and a rope barrier.  (AS/KP/DF)
·         Bloco Louco, if still available, to be booked for a morning slot. (KP)
·         Majorettes to be booked (£100).  (AS)
·         Gospel Choir to be approached.  (AS)
·         Drama / music activities for stage – ask Cherry Oak School (KP), and St Edwards School (AMM)
·         Vintage SO to be offered a stall space, gazebo and insurance cover for a fundraising activity (AS)
·         Beekeepers (AS)
·         Fire Brigade (AS)
·         QE Hopsital (KP)
·         British Military Fitness (AS)
·         Pawfect Dogsense (KP)

4. Green Flag  

Two judges have been appointed but no date for judging set yet.  KP & SC to liaise re hosting arrangements on judging day.  (Action:  KP & SC)

5.  Sainsbury’s / Community Partnership for Selly Oak / Lapal Canal Trust

Objections and comments have been formally submitted to the Planning Department by FoSOP.

LCT held a boaters event (including a poster display, meeting and walk through the park) on 11 May to highlight their, and the local, reaction to the Sainsbury proposals; approx 60 attending.

The cp4so website (www.cp4so.org.uk) continues to receive many hits.

Original timetable indicates decision on the planning application should be announced by the end of May; but expected that there may be delays in firm decisions.

6.  Any Other Business

6.1  By email post-meeting, AS drew attention to a planning application (No 2013/02318/PA –
http://eplanning.birmingham.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/ApplicationSearch.aspx) for an outbuilding which will overlook the park at the student accommodation at 187 Harborne Lane (formerly the nursing home).  FoSOP and cp4so have both sent in objections.  Individual objections are invited.

Date of Next Meeting  

Festival “pre-flight” meeting – Monday, 24 June, 6 pm, Ariel Scout Hut (subsequently held but not minuted). 

21st and 23rd May 2013 - Bulb Planting



29th June 2013  -  Selly Oak Festival 

Above:  The "flier" designed by the children at Tiverton Academy.
Below:  A selection of images of the day.


29th July 2013 - Announcement of the Green Flag Award


30th July 2013 - Birmingham Mail

Selly Oak Park is one of the best in the UK
Gibbins Road site awarded Green Flag status by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy


15th September 2013 - Raising the Green Flag


Preparing to raise the Green Flag 

Cllr Karen McCarthy raising the Green Flag

15th September 2013 - Friends of Selly Oak Park

Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 15 September 2013
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak
Present:      Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chair), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Derek Foley (Quadron), and Adrian Langley (Ariel Scouts)
Apologies: Steve Carter, Simon Cooper (BCC Parks), Paul Lucas and Tracey Hewitt.
1.  Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 20 May 2013 was approved.
2.  Matters arising:
2.1  Exercise Zone:  No news regarding installation – ask Simon Cooper (Action:  KP).
2.2  Tree Damage:  AS explained recent activity by AS & KP in painting affected trees with a deer deterrent (clove and almond oil spray, followed by dusting with pepper and flowers of sulphur). No particular evidence that treatment has been effective.  In any case, would require repeated applications.  Alternatives discussed: i) Lion dung (“Roar”) – investigate availability from the Nature Centre, cost and transport implications (Action:  AS & KP); ii) Tree guards – recognised as most effective option, but costly (ca £30 per unit) and potentially unsightly and park-appearance changing, especially if many guards are used.  NC volunteered to get quotes from various sources with a view to the Friends applying for grants, e.g. from the B&BC NIA. (Action: NC)
2.3  Willow sculpture:  Masses of new growth – to be woven in when the leaves have been shed.  (Action:  All)
3.  Festival 
·           Agreed best Festival to date, and to be repeated in 2014 – decide date at next Committee meeting. 
·           Thanks to everyone involved. 
·           Work on the day by the committee much eased by asking stallholders to supply and erect their own gazebos, tables, etc. 
·           Very successful without the Fair; though two questions emerging: i) has the rent money promised by Robert Wilkinson been received and allocated to the Friends? (Action:  AS to investigate); ii) how will we fund future events?  (Action:  Agenda item for next meeting – to address the whole issue of fund raising by all means for all FoSOP purposes, especially now that we have Green Flag status).
·           Entertainments reviewed – special appreciation of Martin the Juggler, Falconry and the Ariel Motorcycle Collectors Club.
·           Scouts would benefit in future by the park gate being unlocked and opened very early in the morning (so that they can set up catering for early-arriving stallholders).  Scouts input much appreciated.  Very positive comments about the politeness of their young people who helped. 
4. Green Flag 
·           Delight at having been awarded Green Flag status.  Flag to be raised later in afternoon after the AGM.
·           Thanks expressed to Nicola Clarke and Simon Cooper (and all their support staff) for compiling the paperwork, preparing the park for judging, and making all the necessary arrangements.
·           NC voiced her thanks for the support received from the Friends on a gruelling judging day, especially to AS who had fielded very astutely some very challenging questions.
·           NC reported the feedback from the judges, noting that the criteria for the award had only just been achieved and that there were several areas where ongoing work would be required from all - the City, Quadron and the Friends.
·           Likely that the judging next year will take the form of an unannounced “shopping” visit.
·           Major item for the Friends to consider – what do they recommend for the central area of the park? – the area highlighted by the judges as needing urgent attention.  Issue to be considered as a separate item at the next committee meeting (Action:  All).
5.   Consultation on proposed Dog Regulations
Item to be carried forward to AGM.  

6.  Sainsbury’s / Community Partnership for Selly Oak / Lapal Canal Trust
AS advised that the outline planning application had been unanimously deferred by the City’s Planning Committee as “not good enough for Birmingham”, with more attention needed to the objections presented at the Committee meeting from members of CP4SO and the Lapal Trust.  See www.cp4so.org.uk for more.

7.  Any Other Business
7.1  Birmingham Trees for Life had been expecting to support the park with another donation of trees this autumn.  Their funds for the current year have been restricted, so that they can no longer support us this year.  They have intimated priority support for us when the next round of funding is released.
7.2  The Millennium Wood needs thinning.  Action:  NC to speak to SC.

8.  Dates of Meetings 2013/14
All Mondays at 6 pm in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road:
      18th November 2013
      20th January 2014
      17th March 2014
      21st April 2014 - Festival planning
      19th May 2014
      16th or 23rd June 2014 - Festival planning
      Sunday 21st September 2014 – Committee at 2.00 pm, followed by AGM at 3 pm.

15th September 2013 - The Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Annual General Meeting
Held on 15th September 2013.
Present:      Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Ann-Marie McCarthy (Vice-Chair), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Derek Foley (Quadron), Adrian Langley (Ariel Scouts) and Cllr Karen McCarthy.
W. Critchlow, M. Decker, M. Evans, C. Hitchman, J.D. Holt, D. Langley, G. Malone, J. Moody, M. Parker, S. Parker, J. Skinner, and S. Stafford.
Apologies: Steve Carter, Simon Cooper (BCC Parks), Tracey Hewitt, Cllr. Brigid Jones, Paul Lucas, and Cllr Dave Radcliffe.
The Chairman thanked everyone for their presence and support of the Friends.
1.      The Minute of the AGM held on 16th September 2012 was approved.
2.      There were no Matters Arising.
3.      Annual Report from the Chairman
Friends of Selly Oak Park
Annual General Meeting 2013
Chairman’s Report
Every year for the last few years I’ve stood here and said that the preceding year was the busiest yet for the park and the Friends group. Well I’m not sure if the last year was so busy, but it’s certainly been very eventful.
In December 2012 we hosted Carols in the Park. This event was co-organised with the Scouts and three local Churches. Around 150 people joined us to sing traditional carols around an illuminated tree. The event was very successfully and we plan to repeat it again in 2013**.
June 2013 saw two events. First we had our Green Flag inspection. This took about 6 hours with Simon Cooper and Nicola Clarke here throughout assisted by myself, Dave Barker, Anne-Marie McCarthy, Adrian Langley from the Scouts and an unknown “gentleman of the road” who came in to enjoy a free lunch. The day was quite gruelling but ultimately rewarding in that we were awarded Green Flag status. More about that later.
Later that month we once again hosted the Selly Oak Festival. This event has now grown tremendously and this year we had a record number of visitors. For entertainment we added the Bournville School Brass Ensemble, Majorettes and the Ariel Motorcycle Owners Club to our regular entertainers. This year there was no fun fair, Robert Wilkinson having decided not to bring the large rides onto the park at the last minute. He did however provide the Festival Stage and a few small rides. He also agreed to pay the rent that would have been due to Birmingham City Council for our benefit although we are still verifying that this has happened. Regardless we will not be out of pocket due to other monies raised and a buffer we have from previous years. On the whole the event felt better without the fair. Ironically during the Green Flag inspection we were asked what we would do if the fun fair failed to show up for a festival week. Now at least we know that we can still draw a good crowd and have a great time. It does however leave us with the challenge of how we fund future festivals.
The year has also been marked by the return of deer to the park; the area was part of a deer park in medieval times. Our deer are probably Muntjac, which are quite small as deer go. Unfortunately deer rub their antlers on trees and they have caused considerable damage to many trees in the park. If you see pairs of short scratches on the bark of a tree this is probably deer damage. However, either we have some larger deer or vandals have been joining in and also damaging trees. This is possible as vandals tend to copy other vandals but may think the antler marks are cut marks. We’ve also had more damage to nature trail signs and the traditional wooden bench near the centre of the park has been destroyed.
This year we also joined with other local groups and residents associations to form the Community Partnership for Selly Oak. The partnership seeks to protect Selly Oak from unsympathetic development and to promote regeneration in the ward. Most notably in relation to the park the Partnership has been lobbying for the restoration of the Lapal Canal across the Battery Site so that it can then be carried on into the park improving on the current ditch and adding recreational benefits to the park.
I’d like to thank the following people for their support over the last year: Simon Cooper of Birmingham City Council, Nicola Clarke and Derek Foley of Quadron, Cllr Karen McCarthy and finally Cllr Dave Radcliffe, and PCSO Barrington who all helped at the Festival football. Finally we’d like to thank Adrian Langley who has been attending our meetings on behalf of the Scouts for many years but we understand is now standing down.
Andrew Schofield
15 September 2013
**       Date announced as 7 December 2013
4.       Treasurer’s Report
The report for the period 18 August 2012 to 1st September 2013 showed a balance brought forward of £1,283.41, and after all Festival and other activities, a balance of £1,813.76 to carry forward.
The Treasurer drew attention to the need to raise additional funds if we are to underwrite the Festival next year.  Seeking sponsorship, crowd funding, and the inclusion of a dog competition in the Festival, were suggested from the floor.  It was agreed that fundraising be explored more fully at the next committee meeting.
5.      Election of Committee and Officers
With no new nominations or volunteers, the committee and officers were re-elected en bloc:
Chair    Andrew Schofield
Vice-Chair    Ann-Marie McCarthy
Treasurer    Dave Barker
Secretary    Ken Pugh
Committee members    Steve Carter, Bob Curry, Paul Lucas, and Malcolm Smith.
6.       Any Other Business
6.1   Damage to trees in the Park   Attention was drawn to the damage to many trees in the park.  This was ascribed to deer and dogs.  Whilst damage by dogs has been witnessed (and is controllable more easily – see below), the deer damage is a more major issue, with no easy solution.  A liquid deer deterrent has been used, but there is little confidence in its efficacy.  The only successful solution is the use of tree guards which are expensive and potentially unsightly if used widely across the park.  After lengthy discussion it was resolved that for any new tree planting tree guards must be put in place as part of the planting package; and for existing trees the most vulnerable ones (as assessed from the tree survey of the park and by the tree officers) should be protected by tree guards as and when resources allow.
6.2  Proposed Dog Regulations   Attention was drawn to the closing date (20 September) for the consultation on the proposed regulations.  It was proposed from the floor that a fenced enclosure be built in the park in which dogs could be allowed to run off the lead.  It was advised that the suggestion should be included in a consultation response from the dog-walkers.
6.3   Willow sculpture   Attention was drawn to the luxurious growth of new willow on Cyril the Squirrel, and permission sought, and granted to volunteers, to weave and tie in the new willows so strengthening the structure.  It was pointed out that this may best be done once the leaves have fallen and the existing structure could more easily be seen.
6.4   List of volunteers   It was suggested that a list of volunteers (who could not otherwise commit to committee work) be compiled.  A form was made available at the meeting and attendees invited to show their interest for preferred tasks – to be added to the existing list held by the Chairman.
6.5   The Lodge   Attention was drawn to the dilapidated appearance of the Lodge and the remedial maintenance work required.  This need had also been highlighted by the Green Flag judges.  It was stated that the Lodge had been removed from the Parks Department’s remit, and now fell within the City’s housing stock, and the matter should therefore be referred to the Housing Department for remedy.
There being no further business, the Chairman
·         proposed the raising of the Green Flag,
·         thanked all involved in the Parks Department, Quadron and the Friends for their preparation for the award,
·         invited all to gather at the flag pole,
·         invited Cllr Karen McCarthy to hoist the flag, which was done to acclaim; and then
·         invited everyone to return to the Scout Hut for refreshments.


18th November 2013 - Friends of Selly Oak Park
Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 18 November 2013
in the Scout Hut, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak.
Present:           Andrew Schofield (Chairman), Dave Barker (Treasurer), Bob Curry and Ken Pugh (Secretary).
                        Gerard Airey (Ariel Scouts), Nicola Clarke (Quadron), Simon Cooper (BCC Parks), and John Moody (Ariel Scouts).
Jez Lee (Fake Festivals - jez@fakefestivals.co.uk), Sabra Khan (Art Soak- artsforumsellyoak@gmail.com) and Lee Storey (Fake Festivals).
Apologies:       Ann-Marie McCarthy.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1              Art Soak
Sabra Khan explained Art Soak’s proposals for their Festival in March 2014, and sought and was given approval to bring “Circus Mash” into the Park to set up a Circus Tree upon which supervised aerial activities would take place.  We offered advertising on our website, street-side poster display boards, and the park noticeboards; and agreed to investigate the possibility of a schools leaflet drop.  Circus Mash were identified as possible entertainers at our own Festival.
Sabra also notified the meeting of Art Soak’s plans to organise an accompanied local history walk ending in the Park near the old canal bridge where local artist Tom Cahill Jones would display his work.  These plans were enthusiastically received too.
2              Fake Festival
Jez Lee explained Fake Festivals’ proposals for holding a Festival in the Park on Saturday, 9th August 2014 and answered members queries regarding siting, ground conditions, crowd control, security, policing, neighbourhood friendliness, nuisance minimisation, insurance, licensing, car parking, promotion, etc.  Reassured by answers (and references from some of the 90 events held by FF nationwide to date), members indicated their support for any formal application FF might make to BCC for an event in the Park (noting that this would be FF’s first entry to Birmingham Parks).
(Here Jez Lee, Sabra Khan and Lee Storey left the meeting)
3               Minute of the Committee Meeting held on 15 September 2013 was approved.
4           Matters arising:
4.1 Willow sculpture:  Is ready for new growth to be tied in.  Scouts offered to help.  SC notified that Dean Paul has been assigned to assist.  AS to enquire whether St. Mary’s School want to assist after Christmas. (Action:  AS)
4.2  Millennium Wood:   Scouts willing to help the Friends with thinning and otherwise managing the Wood with the help of tree surgeon experience available to them.  (Action GA, AS & SC)
4.3  Tree Damage:  No new evidence of tree damage has been observed / reported.
4.4  Exercise Zone:  SC explained that an installation contract has been let, with work starting imminently, and completion hopefully before Christmas.  The Table Tennis table to be relocated nearer the play and exercise equipment whilst the contractor is on site.  The log at the top of the drive also to be re-located (in preparation for development of this latter area –see below).
5            Carols in the Park
Event to take place at 5pm on Saturday, 7 December.  Lights to be fixed at 1 pm.  Gazebo for the musicians to be erected at 4pm.  Battery powered camp lights to be provided for musicians by Scouts.  Glo-Sticks will be provided by Vineyard Church.  Programme of carols, prayers, etc, to be arranged by local ministers.  Programme printing to be done by CLC.  Scouts to serve refreshments in Scout Hut after the carols – perhaps on a profit sharing basis with the Friends.  Scouts and Friends will assist with leaflet drops.
AS was requested to send event details to Friends of Cotteridge and Muntz Parks.  (Action: AS)
6             Development of Central Area of the Park
Arising from comments from the judges for the Green Flag award, SC requested ideas from the Friends about how the central area of the park (at the top of the Lodge Drive) might be improved.  Suggestions emerging:
·         Clear the area and resurface as appropriate – an essential for any of the following:
·         A sculpture and planting.
·         Benches round perimeter – central lighting column (6 arms as a tree) (a future focus for the Carols event?).
·         A water feature.
·         A “Narnia” scene on a circular plot.
·         A local history theme, e.g. lock gates or a canal workboat (modified as a play item).
·         A refreshment facility / summertime coffee patio.
AS to liaise with Sabra Khan and Graham Jones regarding designs for a light arbour or other feature.  (Action:  AS & SC)
6         Fundraising
SC had received confirmation that £1,200 rent income from 4 days Fair attendance in 2013 had been allocated to the Friends.  c£900 had already been received; £300 needed to be claimed by the submission of appropriate invoices.  There remained the issue of £600 from the previous year to be clarified.
Decided that:
·         In future the Fair should be held as a separate (though loosely linked) event to the Festival and that AS should discuss with Robert Wilkinson.  (Action:  AS)
·         AS, with DB, KP and SC, to seek a meeting with Robin Bryan to clarify the future funding arrangements of the Friends group in the light of various Park uses.  (Action:  AS, SC)
7            Festival 2014
To be held on Saturday 28 June 2014.
Full Fair not to be used; but hope Robert Wilkinson will bring small rides and Festival Stage.
Football competition to be held.
Entertainments to be booked again – Martin the Juggler, Ariel Motorcycles, Cheerleaders, Falconry.  (Not Bloco Louco or Majorettes this year)  (Action:  KP)
Dog Show to be arranged.   (Action: KP)
Circus Mash to be invited?   (Consider on basis of reactions after Art Soak event)
Ask for the use of parking cones along Gibbins Road, Frederick Road, Fladbury Crescent, etc.
8            Committee Membership
Steve Carter has withdrawn from committee membership because of pressure of work; though has asked to remain on FoSOP circulation lists.  Steve was thanked for his participation. 
New members required – invitations to be issued via personal contacts, website, VSO, etc.   (Action:  All)
9            Sainsbury’s / Community Partnership for Selly Oak / Lapal Canal Trust
AS gave an update.   BCC have granted outline planning permission for a development which includes an allocation by Harvest of £700,000 towards the provision of a watered canal through the site in anticipation of the Lapal Trust raising approx £1m to complete that aspect of the project.  Further meetings between Harvest and representatives of the local community are planned.
10         Any Other Business
10.1  New lamp posts have been fitted in the Park (to the Friends great pleasure and thanks, but surprise that this had not been notified by the Lighting Dept.)  Can the old lamp standards be retained by the Friends for decorative purposes elsewhere in the Park?  SC to enquire.  (Action:  SC)
11        Date of Next Meeting  
Monday, 20th January 2014, at 6 pm in the Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road.

7th December 2013 - Carols in the Park


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